Corporate Accountability Lab (“CAL”) brought an action against The Hershey Company (“Hershey”) and The Rainforest Alliance Inc. (“Rainforest Alliance”) concerning their false and deceptive marketing representations of Hershey’s Rainforest Alliance …
Corporate Accountability Lab (“CAL”) brought an action against The Hershey Company (“Hershey”) and The Rainforest Alliance Inc. (“Rainforest Alliance”) concerning their false and deceptive marketing representations of Hershey’s Rainforest Alliance …
“The impact of COVID-19 on the textile and garment sector in Asian countries has been and continues to be immense, and may last for a very long time. While countries …
“I know you’re hearing a lot about something called ‘supply chains’,” said US president Joe Biden last week, in a speech explaining to Americans why their sneakers, toasters, bicycles and …
In the present report, the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Clément Nyaletsossi Voule, unpacks the challenges and risks facing individuals, communities and …
“ILO sectoral codes of practice are reference tools setting out principles that can be reflected in the design and implementation of policies, strategies, programmes, legislation, administrative measures and social dialogue …
Janhavi Dave: “We need to empower home-based workers by investing in more co-operatives. Unity builds strength and resilience”
“South Asia is home to over 50 million home-based workers, most of whom are women. From agarbhatti incense stick rollers in India to piecework garment workers in Sri Lanka, they contribute immensely to …