Un millón y medio de estatales no podrán negociar sus aumentos

Un millón y medio de trabajadores se verán afectados con la restricción de poder negociar colectivamente incrementos salariales por la propuesta de ley del Ejecutivo sobre la materia que no respetaría de …

Labor Board Moves Anew to Limit Employers’ Workplace Liability

UK, Australia: “Pre-Strike Ballots and Collective Bargaining: The Impact of Quorum and Ballot Mode Requirements on Access to Lawful Industrial Action”

This article reviews how the United Kingdom (“U.K.”)’s Trade Union Act 2016 (the “TU Act”) strike authorization laws and regulations were influenced by the requirements and regulations concerning the right …

Mexico’s President-Elect Prepares Labor Overhaul to Empower Workers

MEXICO CITY—Mexican President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador is preparing legislation to overhaul the country’s collective-bargaining system to improve wages and help Mexico comply with labor-rights provisions of a recent trade …

Nigeria: Olumide Otusote v. National Union of Hotels and Personal Services Workers NICN/LA/126/2014

On September 10, 2018, the National Industrial Court of Nigeria held that the purported reversal of a termination of employment to dismissal was strange, wrongful, unlawful, null and void. The defendant …

Court decision regarding duty of fair representation, provision of trade union office (Case number 2017Da218642)

This is a court decision regarding duty of the employer to provide trade union office not only to the representative bargaining labor union but also to other labor union. (English) https://library.scourt.go.kr/SCLIB_data/decision/50-2017Da218642_TraUniOff_hs.htm …

South Africa: Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union v South African Correctional Services Workers’ Union and Others (CCT152/17) [2018] ZACC 24; [2018] 11 BLLR 1035 (CC); 2018 (11) BCLR 1411 (CC); (2018) 39 ILJ 2646 (CC) (23 August 2018)

This is a case about minority union rights. Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU), the majority union, signed an agreement with the Department of Correctional Services. The agreement set …

Court decision regarding tort liability of the union representative (Case number: 2016Da205908)

This is a court decision regarding tort liability of the labor union representative. It is possible to limit the union representative’s representative authority by requiring an internal procedure in order …

US warns of North Korea’s global outsourcing of forced labor

This article discusses possible criminal charges or fine in case American companies involve North Korean workers in their supply chain. It discusses that the North Korean Government receives foreign currency …

Foster parents and fundamental labour rights

The work of parenting is a labour of love. There is no work that is harder and there is no work that is more rewarding. How many parents have reflected …