Majority of workers in Jordan are not paid enough to afford a decent life

AMMAN — Working conditions in the Kingdom remain “far from the decent work standards” and continue to deteriorate in several economic sectors, according to a position paper issued on Sunday …

La OIT pide fortalecer las politicas publicas debido a la infomalidad en el empleo

Unions accuse Ikea of undermining workers’ rights in Republic

Unions accused furniture retailer Ikea on Thursday of undermining workers’ rights in the Republic, the US and Portugal, and asked the Dutch government to mediate. The international UNI Global Union and other …

Samsung Chairman Indicted for Allegedly Sabotaging Labor Union

South Korean prosecutors indicted the board chairman of Samsung Electronics Co. on charges of illegally cracking down on a labor union, delivering another legal blow to the world’s largest chipmaker. Prosecutors in …

Peru: National jurisdictional plenary of labor and procedural labor

Title in Spanish: Pleno jurisdiccional nacional laboral y procesal laboral The Judicial Power of Peru established, through a national jurisdictional plenary, that in case of unjustified and fraudulent dismissal, the …

Ahead of “biggest ever” Ryanair cabin crew strike, Brussels sides with workers

One week ahead of a planned strike by Ryanair cabin crew, the European Commission has warned the low-cost carrier that it must submit to the labor laws of the countries …

Digital labour platforms and the future of work Towards decent work in the online world

One of the major transformations in the world of work over the past decade has been the emergence of online digital labour platforms. This new form of work has not …

Avala Senado convenio de libertad sindical

El Pleno del Senado ratificó este jueves por unanimidad el Convenio 98 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo en materia de libertad sindical.

No access to the right to strike for workers at Heineken Sedibeng

The experiences of workers at Heineken Sedibeng illustrate how labour broker workers are excluded from collective bargaining and that going on a protected strike is difficult. What does this mean …

AMLO debe tener mano dura con líderes sindicales: expertos

El gobierno del presidente electo, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, deberá tener mano dura con los líderes sindicales para evitar actos de corrupción y construir una nueva relación con los sindicatos, …