Court of appeal decision threatens right to strike in Belgium

An appeals court in Belgium has upheld the conviction of trade unionist Bruno Verlaeckt for his role in a demonstration in Antwerp three years ago. The ruling on 26 June …

Taiwan: Unions strike deal with airline to end longest labour strike in country’s aviation history

“Unions strike deal with management to end industrial dispute that saw more than 1,200 flights grounded and hundreds of thousands of journeys disrupted Strike was the longest in Taiwanese aviation …

Hundreds of Abu Dhabi labourers refuse to work in wage dispute

Rats have speech rights, too: Unions, protests and balloons

Outside a strip mall on Staten Island, a giant balloon rat lies deflated. I can’t imagine a less auspicious scene for the free-speech fight of the century. But it’s here …

Guthrie Theater loses NLRB case in #MeToo labor dispute

A National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) judge has ruled that the Guthrie Theater violated federal labor law in 2017 by downgrading the performance review of Molly Diers, a carpenter then working in …

CTM: van bien los amparos contra la reforma laboral

Los 400 amparos que solicitó la Confederación de Trabajadores de México (CTM) van avanzando, y poco a poco, según la fecha de audiencia, han logrado una suspensión provisional que, si …


The National Labor Relations Board ruled that the Guthrie Theater violated federal labor law in 2017 by downgrading the performance review of Molly Diers, a carpenter then working in the …

EU requests expert panel to convene in S. Korea’s dispute with EU over labor issues

The EU formally requested the South Korean government to convene a panel of experts over violations of the two sides’ Free Trade Agreement (FTA). The issue concerns the South Korean …

The EU Seeking to Sanction South Korea for Not Ratifying ILO Conventions

The European Union (EU) officially requested to convene a panel of experts claiming that the South Korean government was not doing its part to ratify the core conventions of the …

Trump NLRB Eliminates Hurdle to Employers Kicking Out Unions

The National Labor Relations Board made it easier for an employer to oust a union after getting evidence that a majority of workers no longer supports that union. The NLRB’s …