This is the first extensive research on collective agreements and collective bargaining implementation in Mongolia. The research examined the implementation of laws and practice of collective bargaining and collective agreements. …
This is the first extensive research on collective agreements and collective bargaining implementation in Mongolia. The research examined the implementation of laws and practice of collective bargaining and collective agreements. … From the author: “In recent years, unions and other third parties have heavily used public embarrassment as a means of organizing employees. The key to conventional union organizing is …
Trade union role in determination of wage through collective bargaining has decreased significantly in the last decade in Germany. However, with the introduction of minimum wage at the national level …
This is a court decision regarding whether the administrative agency can substantially examine requirement under the Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act for a trade union establishment report and …
European Court of Human Rights
This is a court decision determining whether caddies at a golf course are considered workers under the Labor Standard Act and the Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act, and …
This paper examines the legal regulations of collective labor disputes and dispute resolution procedures for collective labor disputes. The paper also contains a classification of collective labor disputes.Петров.pdf (in …
This article reviews the plight of employees with regards to business combinations and change of ownership in Nigeria. The article does a comparative analysis of UK and France laws, with …
The Il Centro Studi Diritti & Lavoro is a legal research initiative in Italy founded by Fabio Rusconi and Andrea Danilo Conte. This is the compilation of the Italian language monthly newsletters …
This report conducted by the Research Institute of Labour and Social Protection reviews labour law implementation on a wide range of issues, including individual and collective rights. It also provides …
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