IACHR: Compendium on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights | Compendio sobre Derechos Económicos Sociales Culturales y Ambientales

“In the inter-American system, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights have been recognized in various instruments. For example, the American Convention on Human Rights (hereinafter, the “American Convention” or the …

Decálogo para una agenda laboral 2022-2026. Prioridades para legislar aspectos laborales en Colombia

ILAW Network en alianza con la Friedrich Ebert Stiftung en Colombia y el Observatorio Laboral de la Universidad del Rosario, proponen un “Decálogo para una agenda laboral 2022-2026” Decálogo Laboral. …

Britain hands billions to projects linked to labour abuse and climate damage

The British government has provided more than £5bn in the past three years to overseas energy and infrastructure projects linked to labour abuses and environmental damage, according to documents and …

A first global mapping of rights-based climate litigation reveals a need to explore just transition cases in more depth

Annalisa Savaresi and Joana Setzer have identified more than 100 climate cases that rely on human rights arguments to promote action on climate change – but also a growing body …

Waste pickers play an important environmental and economic role, but the law lets them down

“There is growing recognition of the need to integrate waste pickers into the ‘mainstream economy’. Yet, the fragmented contemporary regulatory framework is not fit for purpose and needs reform. In …

The IACHR and REDESCA publish Resolution on Climate Emergency and Human Rights in the Americas

Within the context of World Wildlife Day and World Energy Efficiency Day, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Office of the Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural …

Climate Change Is Harming the Planet Faster Than We Can Adapt, U.N. Warns

Countries aren’t doing nearly enough to protect against the disasters to come as the planet keeps heating up, a major new scientific report concludes. The dangers of climate change are …

Chile Writes Its Constitution, Confronting Climate Change Head On

SALAR DE ATACAMA, Chile — Rarely does a country get a chance to lay out its ideals as a nation and write a new constitution for itself. Almost never does …

The Intersectionality of Climate Change and Labor

“At the conclusion of the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) this November, the 1.5-degrees Celsius goal remained hanging by a thread, propped up by the bold carbon commitments of smaller …


“In 2014, I was invited to join a research project funded by the Canadian government now known as Adapting Canadian Work and Workplaces to Respond to Climate Change (ACW). As the only …