Read the latest issue of The Global Labour Rights Reporter: “Forging a Feminist Labour Law

Qatar: End of Abusive Exit Permits for Most Migrant Workers

HRW Press Release: Qatar announced on January 16, 2020 that most migrant workers previously prevented from leaving the country without their employer’s permission, including domestic workers, will no longer need an …

Qatar Further Eases Restrictions on Migrant Workers’ Exit

Qatar said on Thursday it had scrapped restrictions on leaving the country for nearly all migrant workers as part of reforms answering accusations of exploitation especially in the run-up to …

The Mighty Apple, Google, Tesla, Dell and Microsoft in “the dock” – A Look At the Child Labour Lawsuit

Apple, Google (through its parent company Alphabet, Inc), Dell, Microsoft and Tesla have been named as defendants in what could be a landmark case pertaining to the use of child …

Child-Slavery Appeals by Nestle, Cargill Draw High Court Inquiry

The U.S. Supreme Court signaled interest in giving companies a broader shield from lawsuits by victims of overseas atrocities, asking the Trump administration for advice on a case stemming from …

Qualitative feedback from community participants, NGOs and external stakeholders on Freedom Fund interventions to reduce the prevalence of bonded labour in Northern India

This report evaluates the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency, and the sustainability of the Northern India Hotspot model in reducing bonded labor. The Northern India Hotspot model, launched in 2014, is …

For migrants, letter of law not always guarantee of protection

The government issued Law No. 18/2017 as a new umbrella agreement for labor rights and protections two years ago in November, amending the previous 2004 Labor Law that activists deemed …

Three national hotel chains in Houston sued for promoting sex trafficking

Three sex trafficking victims this month sued three major hotel chains in parallel lawsuits by advocates who say the companies exercised gross negligence about on-site prostitution at Houston branches despite …

NGOs, businesses urge US Labor Department include distant-water fishing in forced labor list

Greenpeace USA, AFL-CIO, Human Rights Watch, Environmental Justice Foundation, Whole Foods Market, and 19 other groups have sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Labor requesting the organization end its …

Travail des enfants en RDC: plainte aux États-Unis contre les géants de la tech

Tesla, Apple, Google, Dell et Microsoft sont accusés de complicité de travail forcé d’enfants dans les mines de cobalt en RDC. Certains de ces enfants ont été tués et mutilés pour produire …

Doe v Apple Inc., et al

On December 16, 2019. a lawsuit was filed in federal court in Washington DC against Apple, Google, Dell, Microsoft and Tesla by Congolese families who say their children were killed …