Uzbekistan not even close to meriting EU’s trade scheme

Imagine a man has for years been nasty to his family. One day he starts being a little bit nicer to them and promises to get much better in future. …

IMPORTANDO LA LIBERTAD – Utilizando la Ley de Aranceles de EEUU para combatir el trabajo forzado en las cadenas de suministro

El Human Trafficking Legal Center [Centro Legal de Trata de Personas] busca asegurar que sus recursos se encuentren disponibles en varios idiomas. Nuestra Guía Práctica, Importando la libertad: Utilizando la …

MENGIMPORT KEBEBASAN – Menggunakan Akta Tarif A.S. untuk Membanteras Masalah Buruh Paksa Dalam Rantaian Bekalan

Kini juga sedia ada dalam bahasa Melayu! Panduan kami untuk penyokong petisyen U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) untuk menyekat import ke A.S yang dicemari oleh kerjaburuhpaksa di rantaibekalan. BACA …

Inter-American Court of Human Rights Decision: Employees of the Fireworks Factory (Brazil)

The Inter-American Court declared international responsibility of Brazil in the case 12,428 “Employees of the Fireworks Factory at Santo Antonio de Jesus and their families, with respect to Brazil”. The …

The Kafala is alive and kicking… migrants where it hurts most

“There is a propensity to celebrate every small reform and new labour law legislation as the abolishment of Kafala. When states make that claim loudly, pressing into service all their PR …

U.S. rapped over gaps in catching slave-made imports

A drive by the United States to block illegal imports of goods made by forced labor has been hampered by a lack of skilled staff and reliable data, a government …

U.S. rapped over gaps in catching slave-made imports

A drive by the United States to block illegal imports of goods made by forced labor has been hampered by a lack of skilled staff and reliable data, a government …

Detecting slave-made goods from China is growing harder, U.S. says

Major brands face a growing challenge to root out forced labor in Chinese supply chains, the top U.S. anti-human trafficking official said Friday, as the United States stepped up the …

US adds Malaysian rubber gloves onto list of goods produced with forced labour

The US Department of Labor (DOL) has added Malaysian rubber gloves to its latest list of goods produced with forced labour, dealing the industry another blow after two key players …

U.S. accused of violating international labor laws, forced-labor protections in new complaint

Leaders representing a large number of U.S. trade unions filed a complaint with the United Nations’ labor agency Wednesday, arguing that the country under President Trump has violated international labor …