Fixing the Modern Slavery Act: A new dawn for supply chain transparency?

A recent House of Lord’s private members bill proposes significant amendments to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA) which would significantly increase accountability for abuses occurring in the supply chain …

UK tobacco firms fail in bid to have Malawi child labour case struck out

Two big UK tobacco companies have failed to persuade the high court to strike out a case against them that alleges they are responsible for the exploitation of Malawian farming …

U.S. bans imports of solar panel material from Chinese company

The Biden administration on Wednesday ordered a ban on U.S. imports of a key solar panel material from Chinese-based Hoshine Silicon Industry Co (603260.SS) over forced labor allegations, two sources briefed on …

Creating Consequences – Canada’s moment to act on slavery in global supply chains

“Close to 25 million women, men and children are trapped in forced labour around the globe, working under abusive conditions in the factories, fields, and other sites where much of …

The Surprisingly Broad Implications of Nestlé USA, Inc. v. Doe for Human Rights Litigation and Extraterritoriality

“In Nestlé USA, Inc. v. Doe, the U.S. Supreme Court took up the question of corporate liability for human rights violations under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS) for the third time. …

US Supreme Court Decision: NESTLE USA, INC. v. DOE ET AL

Find the full decision here: Nestlé and Cargill were sued on behalf of six children trafficked from Mali to Cote D’Ivoire to forcibly harvest cocoa under dangerous conditions. Today, 16 …

FORCED LABOUR AT SEA: The case of Indonesian Migrant Fishers

In this report, a follow up to “Seabound: The Journey to Modern Slavery on the High Seas” (2019)2 , Greenpeace Southeast Asia analysed complaints from Indonesian migrant fishers over a …

From Local to Global: Building a strategic litigation ecosystem to address modern slavery in supply chains

This briefing summarises the outcomes of the scoping research conducted by The Remedy Project, offering an insight into the existing corporate accountability legal landscape in South East Asia, and the …

Tobacco firms in move to strike out Malawi exploitation case

Two of the world’s biggest tobacco companies are to ask the high court in London on Wednesday to strike out a case against them alleging the exploitation of Malawian farmers …

‘Slavery’ found at a Malaysian glove factory. Why didn’t the auditor see it?

In December 2020, with coronavirus infections spreading rapidly across factories and workers’ dormitories in Malaysia, officials raided latex glove maker Brightway Holdings near Kuala Lumpur. They said they found workers …