Migrant farm workers allege pressure to sign away movement rights amid COVID-19

Some temporary foreign workers on Canadian farms are being asked to sign away their right to leave the properties where they’re employed amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to multiple workers …

Argentina aprueba nueva Ley de Teletrabajo

El pasado 30 de julio, se aprobó finalmente en el Senado (40 votos contra 30) de Argentina, la Ley 27555, para regular el régimen de teletrabajo, que contiene entre otras …

Set up a mechanism for ensuring migrant workers wages, labour rights activists say

As a large number of migrant workers have become victims of wage theft in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, migrant rights activists and trade union representatives have demanded the …

Job cuts, lock-ins, and fear: Domestic workers suffer Covid-19 squeeze

Domestic workers have faced the brunt of the Covid-19 crisis, say trade union officials, whose members have often been left high and dry by employers, with little protection from the …

Losing More Than Their Health – COVID-19 and Migrant Worker Wage Theft

“The fear of losing jobs is worrying everyone at the moment.” These are the words of Sharif Uddin, a Bangladeshi construction supervisor, who sends the bulk of his wages to his family in Bangladesh …

The termination prohibition extended for two months in Turkey

Within the scope of governmental measures taken for inhibiting the negative aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Presidential Degree No. 3344 extended the termination prohibition and unpaid leave until 17 March …

The termination prohibition extended for two months in Turkey

Within the scope of governmental measures taken for inhibiting the negative aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Presidential Degree No. 3344 extended the termination prohibition and unpaid leave until 17 March …


COMPLAINT FOR ACTION TO STOP FALSE OR DECEPTIVE ADVERTISING “Venceremos and Food & Water Watch (collectively, “Petitioners”) submit this complaint requesting that the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) investigate false and …

Advocacy Groups Demand FTC Investigate Tyson for False Labor Claims

Washington, D.C – The national advocacy groups Food & Water Watch and Venceremos filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission today, urging the agency to investigate and act on egregious examples …

Families File First Wave of Covid-19 Lawsuits Against Companies Over Worker Deaths

Employers across the country are being sued by the families of workers who contend their loved ones contracted lethal cases of Covid-19 on the job, a new legal front that …