May 22, 2024 | 9:00 AM Washington, DC time | 3:00 PM Brussels time | 4:00 PM East Africa Time

We would like to share with you our latest Issue Brief: “Labour and Technology: Mapping Strategic Opportunities for Workers and Trade Unions.” This Issue Brief, researched and written by Dr. Barbora Černušáková, maps some of the legal initiatives undertaken by workers and unions, and outlines the opportunities to challenge tech-driven labour rights violations through organizing, legislation, and litigation. The goal of this Issue Brief is to inform a debate on effective legal strategies. Research for this brief included 5 virtual regional convenings and 11 country-level interviews to ensure that examples and initiatives from members around the world were included.

Speakers include:

  • Dr Barbora Černušáková is a Hallsworth Fellow in Political Economy at the University of Manchester. Prior to academia, Barbora worked for 12 years at Amnesty International where she authored numerous human and labour rights reports, including Amazon, let workers unionize! Respect for workers’ rights is not a choice (2020). She has also worked with UNI Global Union on Algorithmic Management: Opportunities for Collective Action (2023). She is currently writing her first book, “Surplussed: Roma under Czech Racial Capitalism”, to be published by the Manchester University Press.
  • Monica Tepfer is the Legal Project Coordinator at the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). For more than 10 years, she worked as Legal Adviser at the General Confederation of Labour of the Argentine Republic (CGT-RA).  She is the author of several articles and reports on AI, algorithms and the digital platform economy. She speaks frequently at regional and international conferences on freedom of association and collective bargaining. She is also a member of the Advisory Board of the ILAW Network.
  • Nicolás Pizzo advises workers and unions in individual and collective labour relations for trade unions in Uruguay. He has litigated individual employee claims, in particular in transportation and delivery services through digital platforms. He is also Professor of Labour Law at the Universidad de la República, Uruguay.
  • Ochiel Dudley, bio forthcoming