Empty Promises: The Failure of Voluntary Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives to Improve Farmer Incomes in the Ivorian Cocoa Sector

Between October 2018 and March 2019, Corporate Accountability Lab (CAL) staff interviewed farmers, tribal leaders in cocoa-growing villages, cocoa cooperatives and local and international NGOs to assess the impact of …

Working and Living Conditions of Low-Income Migrant Workers in the Hospitality and Construction Sectors in Qatar

Migrants form 87 per cent of Qatar’s resident population and 95 per cent of its workforce, and 71 per cent of them are employed in low-income occupations. The country has …

The platform economy and social law : Key issues in comparative perspective

Bordeaux University’s Centre for Comparative Labour and Social Security Law (COMPTRASEC) held a European workshop in November 2018 dedicated to a comparative legal approach to the platform economy and the …

End Gender-Based Violence and Harassment – Pillar 1: Gender Justice on Garment Global Supply Chains – An Agenda to Transform Fast-Fashion

“Criteria for effective initiatives to end GBVH on production lines Initiatives must include: 1. Comprehensive identification of the locally-specific spectrum of GBVH—including all forms of violence covered by international law—and …


This study aims to map the contours of business due diligence responsibilities and the way in which these articulate with international human rights standards on gender equality and non-discrimination. It …

Trafficking in persons, especially women and children – Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons

“The present report of the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, was prepared pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 35/5. Throughout her mandate, …

US Trafficking in Persons Report 2019

“This multifaceted crime can challenge policy makers. The foundational elements of human trafficking are difficult to grasp and the real world instances of this exploitation are even harder to identify. …

ILO Report: Lessons learned from the ILO’s Refugee Response Programme in Turkey – Supporting livelihood opportunities for refugees and host communities

The report offers a comprehensive picture of the lessons learned in the ILO Turkey’s Refugee Response Programme, which targets over 3.6 million Syrian refugees and an estimated number of 400,000 …

ITUC Global Trade Union Rights Index 2019 / L’indice CSI des droits dans le monde 2019 / 2019 Índice Global de los Derechos de la CSI

“Democracy is in crisis. The systematic dismantling of the foundations of workplace democracy and the violent repression of strikes and protests put at risk peace and stability. The 2019 Global …

Tailored Wages 2019: The state of pay in the global garment industry

The Tailored Wages report analyses responses from 20 top clothing brands about their progress in implementing a living wage for the workers who produce their clothes. It found that whilst …