COVID-19 AND THE INFORMAL ECONOMY: Impact and Response Strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa

“Close to 90 per cent of the sub-Saharan African labour force works in the informal economy. Informal economy workers, who are mostly self-employed, are particularly vulnerable to health shocks since …

“How Can We Work Without Wages?” Salary Abuses Facing Migrant Workers Ahead of Qatar’s FIFA World Cup 2022

“When “Henry,” a Kenyan man, received the complete list of required documents that allowed him to work in Qatar, he thought all his prayers had been answered. To secure a …

Workers’ rights protection and enforcement by state attorneys general

State attorneys general can play a critical role in protecting and enforcing workers’ rights. There has been a significant uptick in the involvement of state attorneys general in this area …

“Free trade” agreements and the pandemic

“Especially since they started proliferating in the 1990s, Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) have met with strong opposition from social movements, labor, and civil society organizations because of the threat they …


“The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted every aspect of our lives. Even before the onset of the crisis, the social and economic integration of young people was an ongoing challenge. Now, …

Cuidados en América Latina y el Caribe en tiempos de COVID-19: hacia sistemas integrales para fortalecer la respuesta y la recuperación

El documento lanzado recientemente por CEPAL y ONU Mujeres fundamenta la relevancia que tienen los cuidados para las sociedades, caracteriza la situación actual de los cuidados en América Latina y …

Rapid Diagnostic Assessment of Employment Impacts under COVID19 in Lebanon

“Lebanon has been in a state of emergency since midMarch 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The situation is compounded by the fact that the pandemic emerged during Lebanon’s …

Tainted Stones: Bonded Labor and Child Labor in the India-U.S. Sandstone Supply Chain

“Three million workers are employed in India’s sandstone mining industry on a seasonal basis, with nearly 90% of India’s sandstone being produced in the state of Rajasthan. The government of …

Reforma al Código Penal Hondureño viola derechos de reunión y asociación pacífica. Sindicalismo informa al Relator Especial de ONU

El 25 de junio de este año entró finalmente a regir la reforma al Código Penal en Honduras, que venía discutiéndose en su Congreso Nacional desde enero de 2018 y …

Union busting & unfair dismissals: Garment workers during COVID-19

“As the COVID-19 pandemic struck and retail stores shut down, many global brands responded by cancelling billions worth of orders, passing the financial burden of the disruption to the most …