Towards an EU import ban on forced labour: new study

“The European Parliament has called for a new EU instrument that allows for import bans on products related to severe human rights violations such as forced labour or child labour. …

Relatores Especiales ONU habían advertido sobre inconveniencia de la Ley de Huelga en Costa Rica

Esta semana se cumplirá un año desde la expedición de la “LEY PARA BRINDAR SEGURIDAD JURÍDICA SOBRE LA HUELGA Y SUS PROCEDIMIENTOS” en Costa Rica, que siendo una respuesta a …


Findings of the panel The panel of experts appointed by Korea and the EU established that Korea needs to adjust its labour laws and practices to comply with the principle …

Trade and industrial policy: implications for development and international labour standards

“Attempts to protect and promote labour standards through trade agreements have not yielded desired results, due to a lack of enforceable provisions, absence of institutional mechanisms and political will. The …

Exposure to psychosocial risk factors in the gig economy: a systematic review

“The ‘gig economy’ refers to a market system in which companies or individual requesters hire workers to perform short assignments. These transactions are mediated through online labour platforms, either outsourcing …

Updating a study of the union effect on safety in the ICI construction sector

“In 2015, the Institute for Work & Health (IWH) published a study on the effect of unionization on the incidence of workers’ compensation claims in companies from the institutional, commercial …

Indirect sex discrimination in employment

To address these old and new challenges regarding the application of indirect sex discrimination law within the current labour market, the report suggests two strategies. The first strategy is focused …

Special report: Just transition – PUTTING PLANET, PEOPLE AND JOBS FIRST

Unions are at the forefront of the challenges the world is facing today. Income and wealth inequality are at historic levels, driving people to despair, anger and protest. Too many …

Empowering Women at Work: Trade Union Policies and Practices for Gender Equality

Persistent gender-based discrimination and inequalities in the labour market reflect longestablished unequal power relations, which carry enormous consequences for women and society. Moreover, the COVID-19 crisis, like no other previous …

The migrant pay gap: Understanding wage differences between migrants and nationals

“Labour migration can be an important vehicle for development, when it is fair, well-governed and allows migrant workers to access decent work. The world counts an estimated 164 million migrant …