Here are additional bulletins providing information on and analyzing the situation of COVID-19 in Colombia, all are in Spanish. Boletin No. 3 – Observatorio Laboral Plataforma Boletin No. 4 – Observatorio …
Here are additional bulletins providing information on and analyzing the situation of COVID-19 in Colombia, all are in Spanish. Boletin No. 3 – Observatorio Laboral Plataforma Boletin No. 4 – Observatorio …
Here is the COMPLAINT, filed by the culinary workers union in Las Vegas, Nevada against three restaurants at major Las Vegas casinos for the failure of the employer to protect …
The battle over workplace safety rules during the coronavirus is spreading to states. Virginia this week took a major step toward creating its own set of safety rules for workplaces …
Here is the decision from the Canadian Supreme Court finding the arbitration clause of Uber’s contracts to be invalid: The Supreme Court found that a court may depart from the …
Today, the Supreme Court of Canada issued a historical decision on a class action lawsuit against Uber that preserves employee rights across the country. The court found that, in the case …
En la víspera de la entrada en vigor del Tratado entre México, Estados Unidos y Canadá (T-MEC), abogados internacionales pidieron a la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) …
Fiji has become the second country to ratify the ILO’s Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190) , after Uruguay did so on 12 June . With the deposit of this second ratification, the …
Sin la presencia de la oposición, el Senado aprobó y giró a la Cámara de Diputados este miércoles un proyecto impulsado por el Poder Ejecutivo que ratifica el Convenio 190 de …
El 7 de febrero de 2019 la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (en adelante también “la Comisión Interamericana” o “la Comisión”) sometió a la jurisdicción de la Corte el caso …