The Labour Law Framework: Self-Employed and Their Right to Bargain Collectively

“This paper focuses on the right to collective bargaining of self-employed workers vis-à-vis antitrust law under a European and International perspective. It argues that the current approach of the Court …

The other pandemic for migrant workers: wage theft

Employers are taking advantage of the COVID-19 crisis to unlawfully dismiss their migrant workforce and to withhold the wages and benefits that are owed to them. The COVID-19 pandemic has …

Employment and decent work in refugee and other forced displacement contexts (Compendium of ILO’s lessons learned, emerging good practices and policy guidance)

“The number of people forcibly displaced by armed conflict, generalized violence and human rights violations stands at an all-time high. The increasing scale, duration and complexity of the global displacement …

The gig is up! Do workers really ‘choose’ unstable jobs?

It has sometimes been claimed that workers in atypical and unstable jobs ‘prefer’ this type of working arrangement, because it gives them freedom to combine work with other commitments such …

Time Is the Universal Measure of Freedom

Labor activists once understood time to be a checking mechanism on market activity. In our own era of uncontrolled working hours, this is a vision of freedom worth recapturing. “The …

Exposure to psychosocial risk factors in the gig economy: a systematic review

“The ‘gig economy’ refers to a market system in which companies or individual requesters hire workers to perform short assignments. These transactions are mediated through online labour platforms, either outsourcing …

Around the world, platform food couriers are mobilising for basic workers’ rights

As Covid-19 forces citizens around the world into lockdown and food delivery workers go into overdrive to provide relief to customers, a new report has shone a light on the …

Human Rights Disclosure and Due Diligence Laws: The Role of Regulatory Oversight in Ensuring Corporate Accountability

“The proliferation of human rights disclosure and due diligence laws around the globe is a welcome development in the area of business and human rights. Corresponding improvement in conditions for …

Special report: Just transition – PUTTING PLANET, PEOPLE AND JOBS FIRST

Unions are at the forefront of the challenges the world is facing today. Income and wealth inequality are at historic levels, driving people to despair, anger and protest. Too many …

Empowering Women at Work: Trade Union Policies and Practices for Gender Equality

Persistent gender-based discrimination and inequalities in the labour market reflect longestablished unequal power relations, which carry enormous consequences for women and society. Moreover, the COVID-19 crisis, like no other previous …