UK: Court Decision: Brierley & Ors v ASDA Stores Ltd., [2019] EWCA Civ 8 (17 January 2019)

Different Employment Tribunal (“ET”) judges in the United Kingdom (“U.K.”) decided factually-similar Equal Pay violation claims differently against a U.K. supermarket chain under the Employment Tribunals Rules of Procedure 2013 …

European Lawyers for Workers Network Conference – New forms of labour and new structures of enterprises – Challenges for Labour Law

New forms of labour and new structures of enterprises – challenges for labour law 15 and 16 February 2019 Frankfurt/M., IG Metall Headquarter, Wilhelm-Leuschner-Str- 79 Following conferences in Brussels, Paris, …

February 15–16, 2019

FNV v. Deliveroo Nederlands BV, 7044576 CV EXPL 18-14762

In a companion case, the court found that by using freelancers, Deliveroo evaded the collective agreement in Transport and found that, “The business of Deliveroo falls under the scope of the …

FNV v Deliveroo Nederlands BV, 7044576 CV EXPL 18-14763

FNV filed suit against Deliveroo because the meal delivery business implemented a forced freelance model. The Deliveroo meal deliverers were all, beginning in 2018, forced to work as freelancers if …

FNV wins two lawsuits against Deliveroo

Today the Amsterdam court issued verdicts in two lawsuits against Deliveroo by the labor union FNV. In both lawsuits the judge found the position of the FNV to be correct. …

The fault in our factories

In November, Saeeda Khatoon flew to Europe to seek justice for the death of her son and 257 others, in the Baldia factory inferno of 2012. With the support of …

Foodora, accolto in Appello a Torino il ricorso di 5 ex rider

La Corte d’Appello di Torino ha accolto, per una parte sostanziale, il ricorso di cinque ex rider di Foodora che chiedevano il riconoscimento della subordinazione del rapporto di lavoro. In primo …

Le lien unissant un chauffeur et Uber reconnu « contrat de travail »

Le lien qui unissait un ancien chauffeur indépendant à la plate-forme de réservation en ligne Uber est bien un « contrat de travail », a estimé la cour d’appel de Paris dans un …

Belgium: GCEU, 10 Jan. 2019, Case T-160/17, RY v. European Commission

The existence of a violation of the right to be heard must be assessed in the light, in particular, of the legal rules governing the matter concerned. In the present …

Landgericht weist Klage gegen „Kik“ ab

Das Unternehmen aus Bönen lässt unter anderem in Karachi (Pakistan) produzieren. 2012 hatte es dort in der Fabrik von Ali Enterprises ein verheerendes Feuer gegeben. 259 Arbeiter kamen ums Leben. …