Thousands of Zambian villagers can bring a legal challenge in the English courts against mining company Vedanta over alleged pollution in Zambia, the UK’s highest court ruled on Wednesday. The Supreme Court said …
Thousands of Zambian villagers can bring a legal challenge in the English courts against mining company Vedanta over alleged pollution in Zambia, the UK’s highest court ruled on Wednesday. The Supreme Court said …
The High Court ruled in favour of a group of Lithuanian men who were put to work in terrible conditions by a British company, catching chickens at farms all over …
The High Court has ruled in favour of a group of Lithuanian men who were put to work in terrible conditions by a British company, catching chickens at farms all …
“Whose reality counts?” the author and professor of development Robert Chambers once asked. His reflections on participation should be incorporated into all areas of public policy. This past Tuesday the UK …
Zambian farmers can take Vedanta to court over water pollution. What are the legal implications?
Gabrielle Holly at Omnia Strategy LLP analyses the UK Supreme Court’s landmark decision. This morning, the Supreme Court delivered its much anticipated judgment in Vedanta Resources PLC and anor v Lungowe …