Europeans have double standards on transatlantic trade

Europe loves to bash America for its lack of a social safety-net and Darwinian labour market, which comes with relatively few worker protections and plenty of doublespeak. But European companies …


Multinational corporations based in Europe have accelerated their foreign direct investment in the Southern states of the United States in the past quarter-century. Some companies honor workers’ freedom of association, …

France: Article on Discrimination in the workplace in the publication Le Parisien

Witnesses of discrimination in the workplace confess these practices.  Recruiters are often required from their clients to find attractive candidates, people with any physical disparity such as obesity or high …

UK falls short on corporate regulation

Laws to regulate companies’ behaviour are desperately needed – but at the current time, the UK falls short. We explain why the UK needs to move beyond the Modern Slavery …

UK: Jordi Casamitjana v. the League Against Cruel Sports

Casamitjana was fired after he had alerted co-workers to the fact that their employer’s pension fund invested in companies that engaged in animal testing and that other “ethical” pension funds …

Protecting migrant construction workers: What can we learn from China, EU, US and Latin America?

This is the third in a series of papers addressing the issue of late, partial or non-payment of wages to migrant construction workers. Our work has a specific focus on …

France: Article on Discrimination in the workplace in the publication Le Nouvel Obs.

France is a worldwide champion of discrimination. To get a job, it is always better to be young, white, and athletic. Even after the 2018 law was enacted, gender inequality …

Transport giant served notice under French duty of vigilance law in landmark legal move

French law is being used to force a road transport and logistics multinational to take the necessary steps to stamp out human rights abuses in its supply chain, in the …

Belgium: Voice of our industry – A baseline measurement for professionals

Survey on pay, flexible working, equal opportunities, happiness and stress in the Belgian communication industry. In addition to showing a lack of representation of certain groups, particularly ethnic minorities as …

“A strike isn’t a goal in itself”: defending labour rights in Ukraine’s gig economy

Recent protests by delivery couriers have focused public interest on precarity and labour rights in Ukraine. With unbearable and sometimes dangerous conditions, working as a courier is one of the poorest paid …