Dyson Kicks Forced Labor Factory Claim Out Of UK

A London judge has prevented workers in Malaysia from continuing their High Court claim that accuses Brisitsh appliance maker Dyson from unjustly benefitting from forced labor, finding on Thursday that …

European Parliament committees approve draft regulation on forced labor

The Internal Market and International Trade Committees of the European Parliament have approved and amended a draft regulation against forced labor prepared by the European Commission. The proposal covers all products …

Exercising workers rights in algorithmic management systems

“Lessons learned from the Glovo-Foodinho digital labour platform case With the Platform Work Directive still under negotiation and the ETUC calling for an EU Directive on Algorithmic Systems at Work, groundbreaking research …

Corporations are paying for worker abuse audits that are ‘designed to fail’, say insiders

US and UK companies with foreign operations use audits to prevent worker abuse – but auditors say the checks aren’t working Before he began the interviews, Ahmed swept the room …

Netherlands: Uber ordered to pay €584,000 for failure to comply with court order in robo-firing case

The District Court of Amsterdam has today ruled that Uber has failed to comply with the April 2023 Court of Appeal order that Uber must provide transparency into the automated …

Italy: A court has revoked the dismissal of 4,000 Uber Eats riders

(article originally in Italian) The company has announced its exit from the Italian market, leaving delivery workers without protection. For the Milan court it is an illegitimate procedure Important union victory …

Presentan una querella contra Uber Eats por estafa y posible organización criminal

“De la misma forma que lo ha hecho Glovo, la compañía Uber Eats lleva contratando repartidores como falsos autónomos desde 2017. Aunque, en esta ocasión, la empresa sí que realizó …

Special Issue – COVID-19: Labour, Migration, and Exploitation

“This Special Issue of Anti-Trafficking Review examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives of low-wage, migrant, and informal workers. With contributions from Australia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Europe, Nigeria, …

NGOs seek ‘essential’ changes to EU’s forced labour eradication proposal

Agroup of 16 NGOs, coalitions and trade unions, including IndustriAll European Trade Union, Clean Clothes Campaign Europe and the World Uyghur Congress, have written a joint letter to the European …

Ethical digitalisation at work: From theory to practice

“Automation and digitisation technologies, including artificial intelligence, are rapidly evolving and becoming increasingly powerful and pervasive. The full range of their effects in the workplace is yet to be seen. …