Book Review: “Migrants at Work: Immigration and Vulnerability in Labour”

Book Review written by Ines Wagner in the BJIR, An International Journal of Industrial Relations, Volume 54, Issue 4, December 2016, pp. 883-884. Hardcover book itself edited by Cathryn Costello …

A Comparative analysis of non-discrimination law in Europe

This report commissioned by the EU covers the 28 EU member states as well as some additional countries in the region (e.g., Turkey and Iceland).  The first 60 pages provide …

A Comparative analysis of non-discrimination law in Europe

This report by European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination (Commissioned by the EU) covers the 28 EU member states as well as some additional countries in the …

Belgium: Arbeidshof Brus., 17 Nov. 2016, Case Nr. 2015/AB/1071

When a person provides services involving the same skills both as an employee and an independent contractor for the same company, the distinction between the two activities is fictitious. Indeed, …

ETUI: The platform economy and the disruption of the employment relationship

This policy brief considers the impact of online platforms on labour markets and on the employment relationship in particular. It discusses the importance of outsourcing platforms, arguing that the ‘collaborative …

French Case Report: Lafarge operations in Syria 2013-14

A French Criminal complaint was brought in Paris against Lafarge, which operated in Syria in 2013-14.  Sherpa and the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights brought a case on …

Mongolia policy brief: Freedom of Association and Collective bargaining

This policy brief examines law and practice in Mongolia in light of international labour standards relating to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Mongolia ratified both the Freedom of Association …

Belgium: Cass., 10 Oct. 2016, Case Nr. S.14.0074.N

The authority of the employer inherent in a contract of employment is the basis for the right of an employer to impose disciplinary sanctions; the finding that, in an employment …

A Summary Note: A Review of the Implementation of the Labour Law of Mongolia

A review of the implementation of the Labour Law of Mongolia (1999) undertaken by labor law experts professor Urantsetseg Baldan and professor Bolormaa Soloon of National University of Mongolia. It …

Reinforcing the State: Transnational and State Labor Regulation in Indonesia

This article in (69 ILR Review 5) examines Better Work, an Indonesia-based initiative to improve labor conditions for garment industry workers, to understand how transnational regulations reinforce domestic regulatory efforts. …