Fair Work Ombudsman ill-equipped to handle migrant worker claims: researchers

It’s now well known that Australia has a serious problem with the underpayment of migrant workers. What is less well understood is why so few try to recover their wages. …

Human rights bill to be introduced in Queensland this week

Human rights will soon be enshrined in Queensland law, with a bill to be introduced into Parliament this week. The Queensland act was expected to be modelled on the Victorian …

New Zealand: Williams v. BSL Produce Limited [2018] NZERA Wellington 93 (Employment Relations Authority- Wellington) 

Mr. Williams worked for BSL Produce Limited from 22 November 2017 until 11 April 2018. He sought compensation for unjustifiable dismissal.  BSL argued no remedy was available because the Applicant …

HK Labour Tribunal allows union to represent domestic worker

The Labour Tribunal has allowed a trade union officer to represent a Filipino domestic worker who has already left Hong Kong to pursue a claim against her former employer. Labour …

Philippines: House approves bill granting OFWs equal protection on their money claims

The Philippines House of Representative approved the amendment of a provision of the Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act (Paragraph 5, Section 10 of Republic Act 8042) to grant overseas …

Uber faces class action in Victoria

Controversial ride-hailing service Uber is facing a class action in Victoria, with around 1,000 taxi drivers backing the move from Maurice Blackburn. The law firm will lodge a class action …

China: Laws and Provisions of gender employment discrimination

https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1614764656485199662&wfr=spider&for=pc This article is a summary of laws and provisions of gender employment discrimination published by Liaoning province Women’s federal. Provisions refer to gender employment discrimination include Labor Law of …

South Korea grants temporary permits to Yemeni refugees

The South Korean government did not recognize a single refugee in its second review of hundreds of Yemeni asylum seekers who applied for status after arriving on Jeju Island. The government …

Kenyans Say Chinese Investment Brings Racism and Discrimination

RUIRU, Kenya — Before last year, Richard Ochieng’, 26, could not recall experiencing racism firsthand. Not while growing up as an orphan in his village near Lake Victoria where everybody …

Court decision regarding inclusion of evaluation bonus in the average wage (Case number: 2015Du36157)

This is a court decision involving the calculation of average wage at a public institution. If the bonus is continuously and regularly paid and the conditions for the bonus are …