Landmark High Court decision against Malaysia Airlines empowers union leaders

KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court here has ruled that it is unlawful for Malaysia Airline System Bhd (MAS) to dismiss a trade union leader for issuing a press statement to …

MPs raise issue of coverage for workers with mental illnesses

Mental health issues arising from the workplace should be included in the list of occupational diseases covered under the Work Injury Compensation Act, said labour MP Melvin Yong (Tanjong Pagar …

European fashion brands agree new deal in Bangladesh

European fashion brands who buy readymade garments from Bangladesh agreed on Tuesday to hand over responsibility for issues like worker safety to a new body called the Readymade Sustainability Council …


Millions of migrant workers from Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos toil in Thailand’s low-skilled sectors, where limited state oversight and unscrupulous employment practices leave many vulnerable to exploitation and modern slavery, …


This report advocates for the establishment of a legally binding agreement, between apparel brands/retailers sourcing from Pakistan and labor rights groups/unions, for the purpose of ensuring workplace safety in Pakistan’s …

Why Corporate Transparency Is Vital In The Fight For Workers’ Rights

“It is impossible to finish the tasks on time unless we work during the night.”  That was the reality faced by 23-year-old Phyu Phyu, who lives in an industrial zone …

She’s Price(d)less: The Economics of the Gender Pay Gap

“The gender pay gap measures the difference between the average earnings of women and men in the workforce. It is not the difference between two people being paid differently for …

Torture and forced child labour: UN experts find Nepal violated human rights

Nepal must remove all existing obstacles that hinder victims of torture and forced labour in filing complaints, the UN Human Rights Committee said in a decision published today in Geneva. …

ANROEV OSH Newsletter (Jan – June 2019)

The ANROEV Secretariat conducts research on OSH. The ANROEV newsletter is the part of its regular intervention. This 44th edition includes: Homage to Chan Kam Hong OSH Strategic meeting Rotterdam …

Samsung Elec avoids disclosure of working environment report following court ruling

Samsung Electronics Co. does not have to open its sensitive work environment-related information to the public after a South Korean court has ruled in favor of the company in a …