China: Article from Beijing ZhongLun Law Firm “Legal Issues in the New Employment Form: Labor Relationship Identification”

This article discusses the labor relationship identification in the context of the gig economy. The authors primarily analyzed fifteen different judgments between food delivery companies and delivery drivers. Among these …

Occupational health hazards of library professionals in India

This paper studies the occupation health risks and injuries faced by librarians in India, and ways to overcome these hazards. The paper looks at a rich body of literature review …

Labour Law deregulation in India: A threat to the application of international labour standards and workers’ rights

The drive for a more flexible labour market in India can be traced to the 1990s. The objective has been to liberalise the economy, ease restrictions on business, and boost …

Bosses stopping migrant workers joining unions, says MTUC

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) revealed today that less than 3% of migrant workers in Malaysia are part of a union in their workplace. MTUC secretary-general J …

More gig workers recognized as employees

In May, Park, a former member of a labor rights coalition for young part-time workers, and other food delivery workers formed the Rider Union. On Nov. 18, Seoul Metropolitan Government …

China: Case number: (2019) Zhe 0192 Min Chu No. 6405 :(2019)浙0192民初6405号

This case is believed to be the first case heard by the court regarding the “discrimination of place of origin” in Zhejiang province (located on the Eastern coast of China). …

Tales of Hope, Tastes of Bitterness: Chinese Road builders in Ethiopia

How is China’s success in Africa experienced by those who work on the Chinese-run construction sites that have emerged across the continent? In Tales of Hope, Tastes of Bitterness (Hong Kong University …

Myanmar Guideline on Freedom of Association (FOA)

Section 1. Right to Freedom of Association 1. The employer shall respect the right of workers to form and join trade unions within the company premises. a. This includes that …

Myanmar: Garment workers, suppliers and ACT brands agree on Freedom of Association Guideline

After eight months of negotiations, factories producing for ACT brands in Myanmar have agreed on a Myanmar Freedom of Association (FoA) Guideline with IndustriALL affiliate Industrial Workers’ Federation of Myanmar …

Sourcing Dynamics, Workers’ Rights, and Inequality in Garment Global Supply Chains in India

This report examines the garment export business in India. While the business has seen rapid growth, the incomes and development of the workers have been disproportionately less. Factors such as …