Privacy Policy

This policy explains the types of information collected by the ILAW Network’s website,, and how this information is used.

The ILAW Network takes seriously the privacy of its website visitors, program participants, donors, subscribers, employees and others who provide personal data to the organization.

We will not sell, share or trade names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings on behalf of other organizations.

This policy applies to all information received by the ILAW Network, both online and offline, on any platform (which includes the website and mobile applications), as well as any electronic, written or oral communications.

To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation and in adherence to IRS regulations for retention of donor records (see additional details below).

We have updated our Privacy Policy. There is no action necessary.

About GDPR

You may have heard about a new European Union (EU) data protection law, the General Data Protection Regulation, effective May 25, 2018. The GDPR expands individuals’ rights over their data, extends the role and enforcement powers of data protection authorities, and creates a framework for data controllers to be transparent and accountable.

GDPR aims to give more control of personal data to individuals, as well as simplify the regulations around data collection and privacy.

The ILAW Network is currently evaluating the new regulations and our need to align our policy. The ILAW Network is not a registered nonprofit in European Union countries.

For more information about the GDPR please contact us at

Website Information Collection

In line with the ILAW Network’s commitment to transparency, we believe individuals have the right to know the type of information the ILAW Network collects, why it is collected, how it is protected and used, and the circumstances under which it may be deleted or disclosed, as well as the right to consent to the use of this data.

The ILAW Network collects only the personally identifiable data (contact information, such as name and email address) that is voluntarily provided and is necessary for specific purposes. This data is kept up to date, stored securely and protected from loss, misuse and unauthorized disclosure through the use of appropriate technical measures. User personal data is retained only for the length of time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was obtained.

Website Usage

We may also use your information to track visitors to our website. This lets the ILAW Network see which of our features are the most popular, so we can better serve our users’ needs. It also lets us provide aggregate data about our traffic (not identifying you personally, but showing how many visitors used which features, for example) to outside parties.

The ILAW Network uses your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer, and for statistical metrics used to track website visitor traffic.

“IP” stands for “Internet Protocol” and it ensures that every request you send out reaches the right destination, and the responses and information you want comes back directly to you.

Donor Privacy

It is vital to the ILAW Network that donor information is kept confidential, as detailed in the Association of Fundraising Professional’s Code of Ethical Principles and Standards of Professional Practice, and the Donor Bill of Rights. The ILAW Network also complies with U.S. and IRS regulations.

For copies of these standards, please contact:

We collect and maintain the following types of donor information:

  • Contact information: name, organization, complete address, phone number, email address
  • Payment information: credit card number and expiration date, and billing information

We will send periodic updates and ILAW Network information, mailings and/or emails related to specific fund-raising events or appeals.

The ILAW Network uses your information to complete a transaction and communicate back to you. Credit card numbers are used only for donation or payment processing and are not retained for other purposes.

We assure you that the identity of all our donors is kept confidential. Use of donor information will be limited to the internal purposes of the ILAW Network.  You will be contacted prior to the development of our annual report and other platforms for listing donors with an option to remain anonymous.

As stated above, you may express your desire to be removed from our donor mailing list on this website and in all email and mailing communications.


The ILAW Network has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of information within our control. These measures include internal reviews of our data collection, storage and processing practices, as well as physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to systems where we store personal data. We employ industry standards to protect the transmission of information you submit to us when you use our secure online forms.


A cookie is a piece of data that is stored on a user’s hard drive that contains information about that user. The ILAW Network uses cookies to prepopulate data that you have previously supplied on our website so that you do not need to re-enter such information.

We also use cookies to measure aggregate web statistics such as collecting the number of users to our site, the number of repeat users and the most popular web pages. We do not use cookies to track user activity on an individual basis.

Solidarity Center’s Privacy Policy

The ILAW Network is currently a project of the Solidarity Center, a US-based non-governmental organization affiliated to the AFL-CIO and which is dedicated to the promotion of workers’ rights worldwide. The above policies for the ILAW Network conform to those of the Solidarity Center. The most up to date version of the Solidarity Center’s Privacy Policy may be viewed at this location.

Effective September 2018.