New regulation of platform work in Chile: a missed opportunity?

“The Chilean Congress will finish reviewing a bill that regulates the legal and labour aspects of the so-called “platform work” in the coming days. If the proposed rules are approved, …

Chile: Nueva Ley Laboral “asegura” derechos muy difíciles de exigir

“La normativa crea dos categorías de trabajadores: dependientes e independientes. Los primeros están más protegidos. Pero, para integrar el grupo ‘dependiente’, el empleador tiene que estar de acuerdo; y, si …

The IACHR and REDESCA publish Resolution on Climate Emergency and Human Rights in the Americas

Within the context of World Wildlife Day and World Energy Efficiency Day, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Office of the Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural …

Comments on the decision issued by the Spanish Supreme Court 71/2022 declaring that the employment relationship between employee and employer is not interrupted by a voluntary resignation of the employee in certain circumstances involving public contractors

This article analyzes the Spanish Supreme Court decision 71/2022, dated January 26th, on the issue of whether an employee who voluntarily resigns from her job to join another public contractor …

Comments on the decision issued by the European Court of Justice C-485/2020 declaring that employers are obliged to relocate unfit employees to another position within the organization unless such relocation would impose an undue burden

This article analyzes the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) decision C-485/2020, dated February 10th 2022, on the issue of whether an employer is legally obliged to relocate a disabled employee …

Otra más: Nueva sentencia en Uruguay reconoce la Relación laboral de trabajador de Uber

El día de ayer, 14 de febrero, el Juez Letrado de la Capital de 9° Turno de Montevideo, Uruguay, en demanda presentada por nuestro colega miembro de ILAW Nicolás Pizzo, …

Posición y propuestas del movimiento sindical en Colombia sobre Piso de Protección Social

Luego de que la Corte Constitucional colombiana declarara inexequible el Piso de Protección Social que había implementado el Gobierno Nacional y diera un plazo para que se legisle adecuadamente sobre …

Comments on the decision issued by the European Court of Justice C-485/2020 declaring that employers are obliged to relocate unfit employees to another position within the organization unless such relocation would impose an undue burden

This article analyzes the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) decision C-485/2020, dated February 10th 2022, on the issue of whether an employer is legally obliged to relocate a disabled employee …

Nueva sentencia declara relación laboral de conductor con Uber Uruguay y Uber BV

Juzgado del Trabajo de Montevideo, Uruguay emite nueva sentencia en la que reconoce la calidad de trabajador dependiente de Uber, condena al pago de los rubros salariales: licencia, salario vacacional …

ILO Committee of Experts of the Application of Conventions and recommendations (CEACR) 2022

The ILO CEACR has published its 2022 annual report. The CEACR has ‘double footnoted’ the most concerning cases:  Azerbaijan, Central African Republic, China, Malawi, and Myanmar