Remedying Employers’ Unlawful Refusal to Bargain

Over the past few years, workers have been organizing unions at a breakneck pace. Whether that organizing pace is sustainable depends upon a number of factors, the most important of …

Informe de la OIT sobre empleo y condiciones sociales en 2024 (ILO report on employment and social conditions in 2024)

La OIT publicó su Informe “Perspectivas sociales y del empleo en el mundo: Tendencias 2024”. La noticia de la publicación de este nuevo informe se puede encontrar aquí. Se puede …

Final Rule: Employee or Independent Contractor Classification Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, RIN 1235-AA43

On January 9, 2024, the U.S. Department of Labor announced a final rule, effective March 11, 2024, revising the Department’s guidance on how to analyze who is an employee or …

Digital labour platforms and social dialogue at EU level: How new players redefine actors and their roles and what this means for collective bargaining

“Digital labour platforms transform work and employment relations in many ways. Crucially, they renounce the role of the employer, leading to a redefinition of traditional categories of actors and their …


Platform workers often face a justice gap in enforcing their rights and this is mainly due to the extensive use of algorithmic management practices that are central to their business …

J.K. v TP S.A. and the ‘Universal’ Scope of EU Anti-Discrimination Law at Work: A Paradigm Shift?

“Case C-356/21 J.K. v TP S.A. has been hailed as a transformative step forward in defining the personal scope of application of European anti-discrimination law and, potentially, determining the wider construction of …

ILO Working Paper: An unfinished task? Matching the Platform Work Directive with the EU and international “social acquis”

“Besides straining international, regional and national employment status classification models, digital labour platforms are pioneering new strategies and approaches in terms of algorithmic management, digital surveillance, remote work and cross-border …

Automated Processing of Data on Work Performance and Employee Evaluation: A Case Study of Practices at Amazon Warehouses in Poland

“The subject of this article is the algorithmic employee evaluation system at Amazon’s warehouses in Poland. A weekly performance review, the evaluation is a measure of productivity and quality, gathered …

The Digital Resistance: Contesting the Power of Gig Economy Platforms through Collective Worker Action

“This article examines how trade unions and self-organised worker groups have deployed digital organising tools to collectivise gig work, focusing on rideshare and food delivery platforms. It demonstrates the successful …

Humpert and Others v. Germany

Facts – At the relevant time, the four applicants were State school teachers with civil-servant status employed by different German Länder. They were all members of the Trade Union for Education and …