Armenia: Russia Puts Squeeze on Migrant Workers 

This article discusses the Armenian migrant workers in Russia. In 2014 Russia changes the law in the detriment of Armenian migrants. Armenian migrants were allowed to stay in Russia no …

South Korea: Court decision regarding unfair disciplinary measure to golf course caddies (Case Number: 2011Da78804)

This is a court decision determining whether caddies at a golf course are considered workers under the Labor Standard Act and the Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act, and …

Culture Shock: The Exploitation of J-1 Cultural Exchange Workers

This report describes how the J1 visa program in the U.S., which was originally intended as a visa for cultural exchange, is increasingly being used by employers as a source …

Training Module for Two Day Workshop on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act – 2013

The training module seeks to sensitize and create awareness among the working masses as to what “sexual harassment” entails. To that end, the training module provides an overview of the …

Effects of Business Combinations on Contracts of Employment in Nigeria

This article reviews the plight of employees with regards to business combinations and change of ownership in Nigeria.  The article does a comparative analysis of UK and France laws, with …

Labor and Finance as Inevitably Transnational: Globalization Demands a Sophisticated and Transnational Lens

This article (in 41 San Diego L. Rev. 109 (2004)) examines how globalization has impacted labor and finance law, as well as responses to this impact. It explores two points …

National Labor Movements and Transnational Connections: Global Labor’s Evolving Architecture Under Neoliberalism

Evans analyzes international ties between Bridgestone-Firestone workers in Liberia, apparel workers in Honduras, Mexican mineworkers, and U.S. labor organizations. Evans suggests that international cooperation depends on national labor movements and …

Labor’s Soft Means and Hard Challenges: Fundamental Discrepancies and the Promise of Non-Binding Arbitration for International Framework Agreements

Marzan describes Global Framework Agreements and explores some obstacles, including disagreements between parties. He explores one solution, non-binding arbitration based on ILO rules. Non-binding arbitration can be one step to …

South Africa: THE TRANSFORMATION OF WORK: Challenges and Strategies — Restriction and Solidarity in the New South Africa: COSATU’s Complex Response to Migration and Migrant Workers in the Post-Apartheid Era

The report first provides a historical overview of migrant labor and migration policy, introduces South Africa’s labor market institutions and industrial relations and the weakness of the corporatist institution. Then …

Migrant Workers’ Access to Justice at Home: Indonesia

Migrant Workers’ Access to Justice Series (Open Society Foundations), UNSW Law Research Paper No. 2013-75 This comprehensive study analyzes the mechanisms through which Indonesian migrant workers can seek justice in …