Philippines: Labor Advisory No.10 Series of 2016 PROHIBITING AGAINST LABOR-ONLY CONTRACTING

The Department of Labor and Employment of the Philippines issued an order on July 25, 2016, to prohibit “labor-only contracting.” The order defines a labor-only contracting as “an arrangement where …

Litigation as TB Rights Advocacy: A New Delhi Case Study

Despite many governmental programs, international conventions, and legal remedies, around one thousand people die of tuberculosis every day. These deaths are caused because patients are unable to access healthcare and …

Controversy over German minimum wage for international truck drivers – Q2 2015

This article discusses the consequence of the German’s introduction of national minimum wage for all employees working in Germany irrespective the employer’s location which affected international truck drivers. This has …

Landmark ruling finds gangmasters liable

A High Court judge has ruled in favour of six workers trafficked from Lithuania in a case brought against chicken catching business DJ Houghton Catching Services. This is the first …

South Korea’s Working Women – Conservative workplaces are holding South Korean women back

This article discusses how working place is slow to adapt to women workers and the discrimination toward women workers in Korea despite changes in society.  

Mongolia: Technical explanatory note: The criminalization of discrimination

This note briefly addresses the general legal framework of discrimination in the current legislation of Mongolia, including Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), ratified by Mongolia. The newly …

Mongolia policy brief: Forced labour

This policy brief addresses the law and practice of forced labour in Mongolia in light of the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) and the Abolition of Forced Labour Covention, …

The Necessity for a Business and Human Rights Treaty

In June 2014, the Human Rights Council passed a resolution establishing an intergovernmental working group to discuss a legally binding instrument relating to transnational corporations and other business enterprises. In …

Germany: Working life experiences of LGBT people and initiatives to tackle

As name suggests, this article examines the working life of LGBT people in EU countries, including Germany. The information and data is gathered from the Eurofund’s network of European correspondents. …

Rhaman v. J C Penney Corp

Facts: On April 23, 2013, cracks were noticed in Rana Plaza, an eight-story commercial building in Savar, Bangladesh. The building was evacuated. An engineer declared Rana Plaza unsafe and requested a …