Sen. Kamala Harris & Rep. Pramila Jayapal Introduce Bill To Protect Domestic Workers

“Sen. Kamala Harris and Rep. Pramila Jayapal have teamed up with the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) to introduce the Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights in Congress. If passed, the legislation will grant domestic workers, …

BILL: Corporate Human Rights Risk Assessment, Prevention, and Mitigation Act of 2019

This Bill was introduced for discussion in the U.S. Congress on July 11, 2019

Rats have speech rights, too: Unions, protests and balloons

Outside a strip mall on Staten Island, a giant balloon rat lies deflated. I can’t imagine a less auspicious scene for the free-speech fight of the century. But it’s here …

Guthrie Theater loses NLRB case in #MeToo labor dispute

A National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) judge has ruled that the Guthrie Theater violated federal labor law in 2017 by downgrading the performance review of Molly Diers, a carpenter then working in …


The National Labor Relations Board ruled that the Guthrie Theater violated federal labor law in 2017 by downgrading the performance review of Molly Diers, a carpenter then working in the …

Doe v Nestle

The panel filed (1) an order amending its opinion, denying a petition for panel rehearing, and denying on behalf of the court a petition for rehearing en banc; and (2) …

Trabajadores H-2B demandan al Departamento de Trabajo de EU sobre sueldos

Jorge, Joel, Hector, Leonardo e Hilario son un grupo de trabajadores con visa H-2B que esperan una resolución a una larga lucha sobre los sueldos que se les deben a …

Trump NLRB Eliminates Hurdle to Employers Kicking Out Unions

The National Labor Relations Board made it easier for an employer to oust a union after getting evidence that a majority of workers no longer supports that union. The NLRB’s …

California: Crown Act Banning Discrimination based on Hairstyles [SB 188]

“This bill would provide that the definition of race for these purposes also include traits historically associated with race, including, but not limited to, hair texture and protective hairstyles, and …

Over 200 major companies sign Supreme Court brief in favor of LGBTQ workers

More than 200 major U.S. and international corporations signed an amicus brief submitted to the Supreme Court on Tuesday arguing that excluding sexual orientation and gender identity from federal civil …