GEIP is collecting the growing State practice in relation to COVID-19 infection as a work-related injury. This work will be updated on a weekly basis.
“This special issue of the Italian Labour Law e-Journal intends to provide a systematic and informative overview on the measures set out by lawmakers and/or social partners in a number …
INTERNATIONAL EFFORTS to hold China accountable for its campaign of cultural genocide against Uighur and other Muslim minorities have been weak, in part because it’s not easy for outsiders to …
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Leading U.S. lawmakers proposed legislation on Wednesday aimed at preventing goods made from forced labor in China’s Xinjiang region from reaching the United States. The legislation would …
The Chinese government has secretly transferred thousands of Uyghurs and other ethnic minority citizens from Xinjiang to factories across the country, according to a new report that implicates brands including Apple, …
The workers in standard-issue blue jackets stitch and glue and press together about 8 million pairs of Nikes each year at Qingdao Taekwang Shoes Co., a Nike supplier for more than …
China’s ongoing repression of Uighurs in Xinjiang has produced a relatively weak response from the United States and Western Europe. One suggestion from Human Rights Watch revived an old idea: Insist that multinational companies …
All workers employed in industries with a high risk of occupational disease will be covered by work-related injury insurance within the next three years under a new government program announced today. …