This paper maps the relationship between the increasing preference for ‘contract labor’ in India. It was found that when employers are unwilling to “invest”, workers too, do not “investment” in …
This paper maps the relationship between the increasing preference for ‘contract labor’ in India. It was found that when employers are unwilling to “invest”, workers too, do not “investment” in …
Zero Draft BHR Treaty
This case discussed whether the trade union can represent casual employees. The Employment Act, the Regulation of Wages, and Conditions of Employment Act contains contents about casual employees. In this …
This article discusses how recent United Kingdom (“U.K.”) court cases support the argument that U.K. employers have a responsibility to not misrepresent the employment status of their staff. The article …
The Law of 10 May 2007, which prohibits discrimination based on protected criteria, also applies to selection criteria and hiring processes in the context of labor relations. Since the affiliation …
This is a constitutional court decision holding that certain provision under the ‘Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act’ does not conform to the Constitution. It is in regards to a …
Section 7 of the report addresses broadly the current situation of the workers’ rights. The report analyses the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining in the country, …
This Q&A type article provides information on nine topics of employment and labor law in Indonesia, including 1) terms and conditions of employment, 2) employee representation and industrial relations, 3) …
In this article, the authors explore the experiences of low-paid Latin-American workers in London. They examine how established trade unions have sought to represent these workers, using conventional organizing strategies, …
International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network
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Washington DC, 20036