Italy: Ottobre – Novembre 2019 issue of Bollettino

New rules for riders and digital workers Law 128/2019, converting Decree Law n. 101/19 (Urgent measures for the protection of work and company crisis management) confirms that the working relationships …

Presume STPS efectividad en 61% de juicios contra la Reforma Laboral

La Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social (STPS) aseguró que ha ganado seis de cada 10 amparos interpuestos en contra de la reforma laboral. De acuerdo con datos proporcionados por …

Aprueba el Pleno cameral Ley Orgánica del Centro Federal de Conciliación y Registro Laboral

El Pleno de la Cámara de Diputados aprobó por 410 votos a favor, 1 en contra y 17 abstenciones el dictamen por el que se expide la Ley Orgánica del …

Mauritius: THE WORKERS’ RIGHTS BILL (No. XXIV of 2019)

The object of this Bill is to repeal the Employment Rights Act and replace it by a modern and comprehensive legislative framework with a view to addressing the shortcomings of …

Europeans have double standards on transatlantic trade

Europe loves to bash America for its lack of a social safety-net and Darwinian labour market, which comes with relatively few worker protections and plenty of doublespeak. But European companies …


Multinational corporations based in Europe have accelerated their foreign direct investment in the Southern states of the United States in the past quarter-century. Some companies honor workers’ freedom of association, …

Unprecedented: The Trump NLRB’s attack on workers’ rights

Under the Trump administration, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has systematically rolled back workers’ rights to form unions and engage in collective bargaining with their employers, to the detriment …

Due diligence in Tamil Nadu leather footwear manufacture

This report summarises key findings from a collaborative due diligence process in leather footwear manufacture in Tamil Nadu carried out by Homeworkers Worldwide [HWW] and Cividep India, in conjunction with …

Malaysia: Ministry tables eight amendments to Industrial Relations Act

The Human Resources Ministry today tabled eight amendments to the Industrial Relations Act 1967 for first reading at the Dewan Rakyat. “The amendments are part of the holistic review and …

Workers’ Rights Act amendments a victory for Mauritius unions

On 4 October the Mauritius government agreed to the Workers’ Rights Act (2019) which will improve conditions on hours of work, shift work, vacation leave and for precarious workers in non-standard work. …