TST says strike at Petrobras is illegal and oil tankers should return to work

The Minister of TST (Superior Labor Court) Ives Gandra decreed the strike of oil tankers illegal, which arrived on the 17th day this Monday (17). Petrobras says it has asked …

Commission decides to partially withdraw Cambodia’s preferential access to the EU market

The European Commission has decided to withdraw part of the tariff preferences granted to Cambodia under the European Union’s Everything But Arms’ (EBA) trade scheme due to the serious and …

STF atende Petrobras e mantém decisão contra greve dos funcionários

O presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), ministro Dias Toffoli, atendeu nesta quarta-feira um pedido da Petrobras e manteve uma decisão do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho (TST) contra a greve …

Dutch National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines Final Statement UNI Global Union vs. VEON

The NCP’s statement respond to a complaint filed by UNI Global union in 2016. UNI Global Union’s complaint alleged that the company harassed workers to suppress organizing with the Banglalink …

In Algeria, a dangerous crackdown on independent trade unions

For the past two decades, workers in Algeria have been fighting for the right to form trade unions independent of the government and the official trade union organization UGTA. And, …

Ringing the Alarm at the NLRB

Since the National Labor Relations Board’s takeover by Trump appointees, the NLRB, led by Chairman John Ring, has departed from its mission and historical practice, has issued decisions that fail …

BILL: H.R.2474 – Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2019

This bill amends the National Labor Relations Act and related labor laws to extend protections to union workers. Specifically, it revises the definition of “employee” and “supervisor” to prevent employers …

House Democrats Poised To Pass Major Labor Reforms Boosting Unions

The House is set to vote Thursday on a sweeping plan to overhaul U.S. workplace law in a way that could grow union membership and rejuvenate an ailing labor movement. …

Negociación colectiva: Sindicato de EsSalud denuncia ante la OIT al Gobierno por decreto de urgencia

El 2018 fue el último año en que los trabajadores, incluido doctores y enfermeras, de EsSalud lograron un convenio de aumento salarial. Esperaban que lo mismo sucediera para el 2019, sin embargo, ahora …


This joint publication of NGO Shift and the Netherlands’ Mondiaal FNV  highlights examples of practical approaches businesses have taken, and can take, to respect trade union rights throughout their value …