Garment factory owners have been accused of attempting to cull union representatives and members from their workplaces under cover of widespread Covid-19 terminations, with one official even arrested after criticizing …
Garment factory owners have been accused of attempting to cull union representatives and members from their workplaces under cover of widespread Covid-19 terminations, with one official even arrested after criticizing …
Here is the writ petition filed in the Supreme Court of India: Writ Petition challenging the constitutional validity of the various orders and suspensions of labour laws in certain states …
In a landmark decision on 18 May 2020, Justice Flick dismissed two dispute applications by the AMWU, CEPU, AWU and TWU as to whether Qantas had the right to prohibit …
El derecho sindical a la huelga revindicativa y la proteccion de las empresas publicas centran hoy el debate en el Senado de Uruguay en torno al controversial proyecto gubermental de …
The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed Law No. 321-VI, On Amendments into Certain Labour-Related Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Amendment Law) on 4 May. The law entered …
One Way To Protect Workers In A Pandemic: Make It Harder To Fire Them
“The pandemic has created an unprecedented workplace safety crisis, making millions of jobs vastly more dangerous. It’s critical that workers like Martin can share their stories with the public and …