The U.S. Supreme Court currently is contemplating whether to review three employment discrimination cases involving what, if any, protection Title VII extends against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation …
The U.S. Supreme Court currently is contemplating whether to review three employment discrimination cases involving what, if any, protection Title VII extends against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation …
Activist Gwendolyn Ann Smith founded Transgender Day of Remembrance on Nov. 20 to honor the memory of those whose lives were lost due to trans prejudice and hatred. In that spirit of …
The Kentucky Supreme Court has upheld the state’s so-called “right-to-work” law, which makes it illegal to require workers to join unions and bars the collection of fees from private-sector workers …
Google has ended forced arbitration of sexual harassment claims by employees, as it tries to quell an internal storm over the way it buried earlier cases involving senior executives.
As evidenced by last year’s infamous Google memo, there somehow still exist those who’ll defend sex and gender-based discrimination with claims of supposedly innate differences (like men being more logical, …
Law360 (October 29, 2018, 7:28 PM EDT) — Employers can challenge whether unions still have majority support from the bargaining units they represent during the time period between when a …
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Tuesday revived a lawsuit claiming that Nestle SA and agribusiness company Cargill Inc. aided and abetted child slavery on cocoa farms …
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Tuesday revived a long-running lawsuit claiming that Nestle SA and agribusiness company Cargill Inc. aided and abetted child slavery on cocoa …