Labor board withdraws rule to quash graduate students’ right to organize as employees

The National Labor Relations Board said Friday it will withdraw a proposed rule to deny teaching and research assistants at private universities the legal protection to form unions, upholding a 2016 decision that cleared …

Fight for $15 Pressures Job Boards Over McDonald’s Ads After Sexual Harassment Claims

“McDonald’s talks about and markets itself and prides itself on the fact that it’s ‘America’s best first job’,” Allynn Umel, Fight for $15’s national director, tells Teen Vogue. “And in the …

The Impact of COVID-19 on Long-Term Care Workers in the US, UK, Canada, Ireland, and Australia

“From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, long-term care (LTC) workers around the world have been at the epicentre of the crisis, caring for those most vulnerable to the disease …

WE ARE NOT DISPOSABLE: Food Workers Organizing on the COVID Frontlines

Today the Food Chain Workers Alliance is launching the report “WE ARE NOT DISPOSABLE: Food Workers Organizing on the COVID Frontlines.” The report documents the devastating and disproportionate impacts of …

US: Why District Attorneys Should Take Up Wage Theft Criminalization

“Studies show that employers steal billions each year from their employees, most often by failing to pay the minimum wage or overtime. Wage theft figures from the ten largest states alone reach …

Building back worker safety under Biden

Under President Trump, the protection of workers in this country suffered badly. While corporations and the wealthy got tax cuts, federal worker protection programs saw staff cuts. Strategies to deter wage theft …

US: Amazon’s Great Labor Awakening

“Covid-19 has cemented the e-commerce giant’s hold on the economy — but it has also spurred employees all around the country to organize.” Click the picture:

Amazon’s Great Labor Awakening

Covid-19 has cemented the e-commerce giant’s hold on the economy — but it has also spurred employees all around the country to organize. When Abdul Tokhi, a father of two …

Religious Employers Win Right to Discriminate Against Transgender Employees

Should religious employers be able to discriminate against their transgender employees in the provision of health insurance?  Recently, in Religious Sisters of Mercy v. Azar, a federal district court in …

Push To Give Workers Right To Sue Employers For Occupational Safety And Health Act Violations

As the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) turned 50 in December 2020, the Center for Progressive Reform (CPR) issued “OSHA’s Next 50 Years: Legislating a Private Right of …