United Kingdom: English v Sanderson Blinds Ltd, 2008

This case discusses the ability to claim sexuality-based discrimination without actually being gay.  The issue instead is whether sexuality-based discrimination was the reason for the harassment. The Court stated that …

United Kingdom: Coleman v Attridge Law, 2008

This case explains the reach of disability protection as applied to people who are discriminated against because of other people they know who are disabled.  Here, the claimant’s son suffered …

United Kingdom: Lewisham LBC v Malcolm, 2008

This case discusses discrimination based on disability. Here, the claimant (a tenant who had schizophrenia) sublet his house and, under law, forfeited his right to buy it. He had not …

United Kingdom: Glasgow City Council v. McNab, 2007

This case discusses discrimination against an atheist teacher in connection with employment by a religious employer, a Roman Catholic school.  The claimant alleged that he was not even considered for …

Wilson, National Union of Journalists and Others v. the United Kingdom

The applicants submitted that the law applicable in the United Kingdom at the relevant time failed to secure their rights under Article 11 of the Convention. They complained in particular …