Asda workers advance to the final stage of their equal pay battle

The Employment Tribunal found in favour of 12 out of 14 women acting as ‘lead claimants’ for the store workers in the action and determined that they have established equal …

‘So immoral’: gig economy workers charged fee to get paid quicker

Retail assistants have accused a gig economy firm of “holding them to ransom” by making them pay a fee if they want to receive their wages within 30 days. A …

Le cauchemar des migrants employés dans les fermes britanniques

Les immigrés vivent entassés à trois ou quatre par chambre, se partageant une minuscule salle de bains insalubre. Dans le couloir, des sacoches Deliveroo laissent entrevoir comment ils gagnent leur …

Malaysian workers’ lawsuit against Dyson revived by UK court

wo dozen migrant workers who allege they were subjected to forced labour at a Malaysian factory while making parts for British vacuum cleaner manufacturer Dyson can sue the company in …

Agency that brought heavily indebted Indonesian workers to UK loses licence

A British recruitment agency that brought Indonesian farmworkers to the UK owing debts of thousands of pounds to foreign brokers has had its licence revoked by the labour exploitation watchdog. …

A Big Step Forward: But Bigger Steps Required – A Note on the Employment Rights Bill

The Employment Rights Bill is a big step forward in improving workers’ rights, addressing a number of abusive employer practices, and removing unwarranted restrictions on trade unions. The Bill’s success …

Fishermen on Scots trawler win £20,000 modern slavery claim

A group of migrant fishermen recognised as victims of modern slavery have been awarded £20,000 each compensation by the UK Government. The Ghanaian crew were rescued in 2020 from the …

From ‘Fairness at Work’ to ‘Making Work Pay’: A Preliminary Assessment of the Employment Rights Bill

The pessimism of the politics should not obscure the radicalism and ambition of the Employment Bill. Indeed, it may be the most ambitious set of reforms since 1971. The Bill …

New Duty on UK Employers to Prevent Sexual Harassment

From 26 October 2024, UK employers will be subject to a new positive duty to prevent sexual harassment of workers in the course of their employment. The new preventative duty …

Labour’s employment rights bill: what key changes will it bring?

Labour’s employment rights bill is the biggest step towards enacting one of its key election offers: to make sweeping changes to rights at work and improve pay. Here are the main details …