Xinjiang cotton found in Adidas, Puma and Hugo Boss tops, researchers say

Researchers say they have found traces of Xinjiang cotton in shirts and T-shirts made by Adidas, Puma and Hugo Boss, appearing to contradict the German clothing companies’ promises to revise their supply …

Faced With Questions About Forced Labor in China, the I.O.C. Is Tight-Lipped

Olympic officials are reluctant to probe whether any Beijing 2022 merchandise might have been made under duress by Uyghurs, an activist group charges. The activists’ request was straightforward: They wanted …

US: Senate passes Uyghur forced labor bill

In a rare bipartisan compromise, the Senate unanimously passed a bill punishing the Chinese government for its genocide of Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities — and agreed to hold a …

Human rights violations off the rack: Dutch and US brands allegedly rely on forced labor

The European Center for Constitutional Rights (ECCHR) with the support of Prakken d’Oliveira Human Rights Lawyers submitted a criminal complaint against several Dutch and US textile and fashion brands who …

China’s Xinjiang cotton is banned in the U.S. but still making it to store shelves, report says

In China’s cotton-growing Xinjiang region, farmers have been hailing a bumper harvest this autumn. But much of the crop is under U.S. sanctions, and where it will end up is …

Canadian officials seize clothing made with forced labour in China

The Canadian Border Service Agency (CBSA) says it has intercepted a shipment from China on the grounds that the products were made using forced labour. The CBSA confirmed in an …

US judge blocks Esquel request to remove Xinjiang unit from Entity List

A US federal judge has denied the request of Hong Kong’s Esquel group to have trade restrictions on its subsidiary lifted after it was placed on the Commerce Department’s “entity …

After an employee’s allegations went viral, will Chinese companies adopt anti-harassment policies?

On Tuesday, an Alibaba manager threatened a defamation lawsuit against a female colleague who accused him of sexually assaulting her on a business trip. The same day, a Beijing court dismissed Zhou Xiaoxuan’s lawsuit against Zhu …

Worked to death: How a Chinese tuna juggernaut crushed its Indonesian workers

“One of China’s biggest tuna fishing firms, Dalian Ocean Fishing, made headlines last year when four young Indonesian deckhands fell sick and died from unknown illnesses after allegedly being subject …

U.S. cracks down on imported goods made by Uyghurs and other victims of forced labor

Last month, dozens of boxes of sneakers, men’s dress shirts, blouses and other clothing were unloaded off a plane in Atlanta, bound for U.S. consumers. But the shipments never made …