Association des employeurs maritimes v. Syndicat des débardeurs, section locale 375 du Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique

Le Conseil canadien des relations industrielles statue que les ports ne constituent pas des services essentiels au sens strict du terme et confirme que le droit de grève est protégé …

Maritime Employers Association v. Longshoremen’s union, local 375 du Canadian Union of Public Employees,

Canadian Industrial Relations Board rules that ports do not constitute essential services in the strict sense of the term and confirms that the right to strike is protected under the Labour …

Canada: Strike by longshoreman at Port of Montreal could go ahead

A strike by longshoremen at the Port of Montreal could go ahead now that their employer has failed in a bid to have their activities declared an essential service. The …

Implications for Corporate Governance Reform of the (Almost) First Food Delivery App Union

“It was supposed to be the first union for food delivery app couriers in North America. In February 2020, the labor relations board for the Canadian province of Ontario found that …

Nevsun Resources Ltd. V. Araya Requires Rethinking Alternate Frameworks for Accountability of TNC’s

The recent judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada in Nevsun Resources Ltd. v. Araya, allowed for a claim to be filed against a Canadian company for human rights violations and breaches of …

Foodora Canada Saga Highlights the Failure of Canada’s Workplace Protection Regimes

“On April 27, 2020, food delivery service Foodora Canada announced that it would be leaving the Canadian market effective May 11. Days later details of its bankruptcy proceedings were reported in the media.  Foodora’s …

Thoughts on the Foodora Fiasco: Have Labour Laws Been Violated?

“There’s a familiar pattern emerging.  Foodora announces its entry into a new country with a flourish, runs into legal problems that question its sketchy business model, and then shuts down claiming …

ILO: State practice to address COVID-19 infection as a work-related injury

GEIP is collecting the growing State practice in relation to COVID-19 infection as a work-related injury. This work will be updated on a weekly basis.

Canada: COVID-19 Legal Resource Page

The lawyers at Goldblatt Partners, a union-side labour and employment firm in Canada has put together resources regarding legal changes and workers’ rights in Canada through this pandemic. The resources …

Fresco v. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

In June 2007, a class action suit against the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) for unpaid overtime was filed. The lawsuit is the largest unpaid overtime class action ever …