LERA Webinar: “The USMCA (the New NAFTA): Moving to Effective Enforcement of Labor Rights”

Thursday, September 17, 2020 12:30 – 1:30 pm Eastern Time (New York Time) Register Here: https://www.leraweb.org/ler-in-2020 The Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) is hosting a series of webinars this Fall …

September 17, 2020

Blog: Uber Reinvents its Controversial Arbitration Clause After Uber v. Heller

A story in yesterday’s Toronto Star caught my attention. It explained how Uber Canada has introduced a new revised version of its mandatory arbitration clause. As discussed at length on this …

Migrant farm workers allege pressure to sign away movement rights amid COVID-19

Some temporary foreign workers on Canadian farms are being asked to sign away their right to leave the properties where they’re employed amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to multiple workers …

Nevsun: A Ray of Hope in a Darkening Landscape?

This article explores some aspects of the Canadian Supreme Court’s decision on Nevsun Resources v Araya in the light of its exposition on the act of state doctrine and application …

Uber v Heller and the Prospects for a Transnational Judicial Dialogue on the Gig Economy

Across the world, Gig employers are now facing a legal reckoning in the highest courts. On 21st July, the issue of whether Uber drivers are ‘workers’ will be considered by a …

The Classification of “Gig” Workers in Canadian Work Law

“The central legal conundrum for labor law when it encounters platform or ‘gig’ work is one of legal classification. The distinction between ‘employee’ and ‘independent contractor’ is as old as …


“The USMCA includes two mechanisms to enforce the labour rights obligations of the agreement. The first, set out in Chapter 23,1 seeks to improve the effectiveness of the existing state-to-state …

Brandeis professor develops tool to help laid off Canadians determine severance

Over the past several years, associate professor of mathematics Jonathan Touboul and several of his colleagues in Canada have used artificial intelligence to analyze court rulings in Canada’s labor law cases. They …

Uber Technologies Inc. v. Heller

Here is the decision from the Canadian Supreme Court finding the arbitration clause of Uber’s contracts to be invalid: https://decisions.scc-csc.ca/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/18406/index.do The Supreme Court found that a court may depart from the …

Supreme Court of Canada Rules Against Uber in $400M Class Action, Delivers Historic Win for Employees

Today, the Supreme Court of Canada issued a historical decision on a class action lawsuit against Uber that preserves employee rights across the country. The court found that, in the case …