Ontario court certifies class action against Uber that could see some workers recognized as employees

Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice has certified a class-action lawsuit against Uber Technologies Inc., which advances a fight to get some of the platform’s Canadian couriers and drivers recognized as …

Creating Consequences – Canada’s moment to act on slavery in global supply chains

“Close to 25 million women, men and children are trapped in forced labour around the globe, working under abusive conditions in the factories, fields, and other sites where much of …

CREATING CONSEQUENCES: Canada’s moment to act on slavery in global supply chains

In this report we examine just the tip of this iceberg, reviewing some of the most visible signs of Canadian business ties to forced labour abroad. Companies are importing into …

Gig workers group opposes Uber’s new pitch to provinces, say it lacks fair pay

TORONTO — Uber Technologies Inc. wants provinces to force the tech giant and other app-based companies to offer gig workers some benefits through a new proposal, but an advocacy group …

SPEAKING UP, BEING HEARD, MAKING CHANGE: The Theory and Practice of Worker Voice in Canada Today

“The Centre for Future Work released a report argues that an equitable economic recovery from COVID-19 depends on stronger labour protections.” Speaking-Up-Being-Heard-Making-Change

The Impact of COVID-19 on Long-Term Care Workers in the US, UK, Canada, Ireland, and Australia

“From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, long-term care (LTC) workers around the world have been at the epicentre of the crisis, caring for those most vulnerable to the disease …

Updating a study of the union effect on safety in the ICI construction sector

“In 2015, the Institute for Work & Health (IWH) published a study on the effect of unionization on the incidence of workers’ compensation claims in companies from the institutional, commercial …

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: A Canadian Perspective – Takeaways from Nevsun Resources Ltd. v. Araya.

“Canadians working to promote human rights accountability for multinational businesses have long looked to Alien Tort Statute (ATS) litigation in the United States with a mixture of admiration and envy. …

Advocates call for legislation to rectify misclassification of gig workers

Foodsters organizer Ivan Ostos doesn’t think he’s asking for anything too radical. What he is asking for is government legislation to make it easier for app-based gig workers to win …

Denuncias por incumplimientos laborales en Tratados de Libre Comercio presentadas por sindicatos | Complaints for labor violations in Free Trade Agreements filed by unions

En varios países de Latinoamérica se  han utilizado mecanismos de quejas o reclamaciones, en el marco de Tratados de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos, Canadá y la Unión Europea que …