Cross-Border Trade Union Action in a Canadian Multinational Corporation

This article (in  27 Int’l J. Comp. Lab. L. & Indus. Rel. 271 (2011)) examines the import of international framework agreements (IFAs) and European framework agreements (EFAs) as instruments of …

Quebec decision advances the rights of migrant workers

The news reports that a case decision grants migrant workers the right to unionize, ruling that it is unconstitutional for Quebec’s labor code to bar migrant workers from forming a …

The Economics of Being Young and Poor: How Homeless Youth Survive in Neo-liberal Times

Canadian government study that explores the employment experiences of homeless youth, and how homelessness affects where they work, and how they live. It has some useful definitions in defining “informal” …

Labor Relations in the National Hockey League: A Model of Transnational Collective Bargaining

This article (IN 20 Marq. Sports L. Rev. 147 (2009)) explores the structure of the National Hockey League’s labor relations system, which covers a labor sector extending from the United …

The Hollowing Out of Corporate Canada: Implications for Transnational Labor Law, Policy, and Practice.

This article (in 57 Buff. L. Rev. 781 (2009)) explores how the dwindling influence of Canadian corporations in a North-American transnational economy has impacted Canadian labor law and policy. Arthurs …

National Struggles in a Transnational Economy: A Critical Analysis of U.S. Labor’s Campaign against N.A.F.T.A.

This article (in 21 Lab. Stud. J. 3 (1997)) explores and evaluates American unions’ responses to NAFTA. In the wake of these responses and subsequent globalization, it identifies barriers separating …