Canada: Browning v. Northend Body Shop Ltd. (2017 HRTO 1001)

The tribunal has found that the employer refused to offer the applicant a certain job because of her sex and made discriminatory comments on her during the interview. The tribunal …


Victims of the Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh filed a $2 billion class action lawsuit  against Loblaws and Joe Fresh. The plaintiffs’ tort case is that Loblaws, knowing of the notoriously …

Canada: George v. 1735475 Ontario Limited (2017 HRTO 761)

The tribunal found that the applicant’s race and color was one of the reasons, for which the employer decide to terminate the employment, and the applicant was subjected to a …

Tahoe Resources lawsuit (re Guatemala)

Facts: On 18 June 2014, seven Guatemalan men filed a lawsuit in Canada against Tahoe Resources seeking damages for injuries allegedly suffered during a shooting outside the company’s Escobal silver …

Canada: Trinh v. CS Wind Canada Inc. (2017 HRTO 755)

The tribunal found that the applicant had suffered harassment and discrimination on the basis of gender and place of origin during her employment, and the applicant was subjected to poisoned …

The Rise of Supply Chain Transparency Legislation: What is at Stake for Canadian Investors?

Description: This report analyzes the impact and enforcement mechanisms for various pieces of legislation (specifically, the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, the US Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act, …

Canada: Naji Ben Saad v. 1544982 Ontario Inc. (2017 HRTO 1)

Ben Saad filed a claim against the employer, alleging the employer fired him as a result of his injury, disability and migrant status. The tribunal concluded that the termination was …

The inaccessibility of Justice for Migrant Workers: A Capabilities-based Perspective

The article used the capabilities approach to address the issues of inaccessibility of legal rights for migrant workers in practice. Based on the evaluation of regulatory framework and institutional reform, …

Canada’s violation of immigrant workers “right not to be held under slavery or servitude”: Meta-analysis of empirical data (1966-2016) and policy alternatives

The memo is an excerpt of the author’s doctoral dissertation. Based on empirical data, the author analyzed the restrictions and obstacles to migrant workers’ fundamental labor rights and made policy …

Germany: Countries Implement New Gender Pay Gap Measures

The article informs about adoption of laws aimed to reduce gender pay disparity in several countries, including Germany. Germany adopted Wage Transparency Act which allowed the employees to find out …