Rana Plaza, Loblaw, and the Disconnect Between Legal Formality and Corporate Social Responsibility

Canada’s largest retailer was a major buyer from factories in Bangladesh’s Rana Plaza when the building collapsed in 2013 killing 1,130 people. Most of the dead and injured were workers …

Work-life balance, precarious workers, a focus for revamp of federal labour code

Restoring a work-life balance and better protections for part-time and temporary workers will be among the key focuses of a planned rewrite of Canada’s federal labour rules which are to …

Revamp of federal labour code to focus on work-life balance, precarious workers

OTTAWA—Restoring a work-life balance and better protections for part-time and temporary workers will be among the key focuses of a planned rewrite of Canada’s federal labour rules which are to …

Evaluating Migrant Worker Rights in Canada 2018

The report provides concise report cards from each provincial and federal jurisdiction in Canada. Under certain grading system, the reporters evaluate the effect of actions taken by each jurisdiction regarding …

Canada Announces Two New Initiatives to Hold Companies Accountable for Human Rights Violations Abroad

The authors describe two recently-announced Canadian initiatives designed to address “human trafficking, child labor, and other forms of forced labor in global corporate operations.” The article further details the role …

Government of Canada offers support to vulnerable migrant workers in Canada

The Government of Canada released the news to manifest its determination to protect the migrant workers in Canada and some specific measures are also listed. https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/news/2017/12/government_of_canadaofferssupporttovulnerablemigrantworkersincan.html

Door Still Open? Canada As Safe Harbour For Multinational Human Rights Litigation (Nov. 13, 2017)

The article describes the “growing wave of significant lawsuits in Canada against corporations for alleged international labour and human rights violations in their overseas operations or supply chains” and notes …

Canada: Puniani v. Rakesh Majithia CA Professional Corporation (2017 HRTO 1335)

The tribunal found that the employer-respondent terminated the applicant’s employment because she was pregnant. The tribunal ordered financial compensation for discrimination with respect to employment due to sex. https://www.canlii.org/en/on/onhrt/doc/2017/2017hrto1335/2017hrto1335.html

Unscrupulous recruiters keep migrant workers in ‘debt bondage’

The news reveals the phenomenon that the low-wage migrant workers are forced to pay job recruiters, while under Canadian rules, it is the employer that should bear that costs. http://www.migrantworkersrights.net/en/resources/unscrupulous-recruiters-keep-migrant-workers-in-deb

The Employment Status of Uber Drivers A Comparative Report Prepared For The Social Law Project, University Of The Western Cape

Oxford Pro Bono Publico University sponsored research project from 2017 highlighting the status of Uber drivers in a variety of jurisdictions with a comparison between drivers in the United Kingdom, Ireland, …