A Just and Fair Transition for Canadian Coal Power Workers and Communities

“With ten recommendations, this report provides advice on what we could include in a just transition plan for coal workers and communities. It also: provides a background and overview of …

Canada moves one step closer to supply chain legislation

Canada could become the next major economy to enact supply chain legislation. Currently, the country lacks a comprehensive policy response to modern slavery and forced labour, a point emphasized in …

Brave New World: Fundamental Labour Rights in the Charter Era

It is for this reason the Canadian Foundation for Labour Rights (CFLR) has commissioned the following paper. The objective of the paper is to provide analysis and interpretation of the …

Top court weighs precedent-setting case of human rights breaches at Canadian mine in Eritrea

The Supreme Court of Canada heard arguments today in what could be a precedent-setting case for Canadian companies that do business abroad. B.C.-based mining company Nevsun Resources Ltd. is being …

Can Slave Labour Charges Against Canadian Company Be Heard in Court in Canada? Supreme Court of Canada Hears Arguments Today

Today, the Supreme Court of Canada is hearing an appeal by Nevsun Resources Limited (TSX: NSU/NYSE MKT: NSU) of lower court rulings that accusations against it regarding the use of forced labour at its …

Supreme Court set to hear Nevsun Resources case on Eritrea human rights abuses

The future of the Canadian resource industry hangs in the balance as the Supreme Court of Canada prepares to hear a high-profile case accusing Canadian miner Nevsun Resources Ltd. of …

Das v. George Weston Limited, 2018 ONCA 1053

On December 20, 2018, the Ontario Court of Appeal affirmed the decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice dismissing a claim brought on behalf of workers  injured in the …

BILL C-423: An Act respecting the fight against certain forms of modern slavery through the imposition of certain measures and amending the Customs Tariff

This enactment enacts the Modern Slavery Act, which imposes an obligation on certain entities to report on the measures taken to prevent and reduce the risk that forced labour or child …

Modern Slavery Act aims to block unethical products from Canada

As Canadians pull out their wallets this holiday season, they have no way of knowing whether the gifts they are buying for friends and family were made by modern-day slaves. …

US-Mexico-Canada Agreement Labor Chaper

The text of the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement Labor Chapter and Annex   https://ustr.gov/sites/default/files/files/agreements/FTA/USMCA/Text/23_Labor.pdf