Nurses from RJ protest against the decision of the Justice to prevent the right to strike

Hundreds of nursing professionals protested this Monday morning (13), in front of the headquarters of the Regional Labor Court (TRT-RJ) in the center of the capital of Rio Janeiro. The category …

8ª Turma mantém reconhecimento de vínculo de motorista de Uber (8th Panel upholds recognition of employment relationship of an Uber driver)

A Oitava Turma do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho rejeitou o exame de recurso da Uber do Brasil Tecnologia Ltda. contra decisão que reconheceu o vínculo de emprego de uma motorista …

Brazil’s labour justice system is battling with growing rights violations

“It was chaos,” says Nilzete, a nurse at Souza Aguiar Hospital in Rio de Janeiro. Twenty-three years of experience had not prepared her for this. “The situation was already tough …

The Attorney General’s Office demands that Uber and Rappi formalize their drivers in Brazil

The Public Labor Ministry of Brazil filed four complaints on Monday against the Uber, Rappi, 99 and Lalamove platforms so that the Justice forces them to recognize all drivers who …

Cocoa giant in Brazil slave labour probe says it can’t trace supplies

One of the world’s top cocoa processors has told a Brazilian court investigating child and slave labor it cannot trace its supplies, contradicting its own public statements and raising fears …

Final settlement for Brazil’s Samarco dam disaster could reach $19 bln, governor says

A definitive settlement with miner Samarco and owners, BHP Group (BHP.AX) and Vale SA (VALE3.SA), for the damage caused by a burst tailings dam in 2015 could reach 100 billion reais ($19.06 billion), …

Judge orders Vale to pay victims’ families in 2019 mining disaster

BRASILIA (Reuters) – A regional labor judge has ordered Brazilian miner Vale SA to pay 1 million reais ($197,240) in compensation to each of the families of 131 employees killed …

IACHR to investigate brazilian government and mining companies for human rights violations during the pandemic based on stories by the Mining Observatory

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) accepted a complaint from union entities about the agglomerations of workers and the violations of rights during the pandemic in the operations of Brazilian …

ACHR to investigate brazilian government and mining companies for human rights violations during the pandemic

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) accepted a complaint from union entities about the agglomerations of workers and the violations of rights during the pandemic in the operations of …

Tobacco exporter faces slavery charges in landmark Brazil case

A large Brazilian tobacco exporter has been charged with using slave labor in the country’s first government action against a tobacco company for conditions on a farm, labor inspectors said …