Hundreds of nursing professionals protested this Monday morning (13), in front of the headquarters of the Regional Labor Court (TRT-RJ) in the center of the capital of Rio Janeiro. The category …
Hundreds of nursing professionals protested this Monday morning (13), in front of the headquarters of the Regional Labor Court (TRT-RJ) in the center of the capital of Rio Janeiro. The category …
A Oitava Turma do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho rejeitou o exame de recurso da Uber do Brasil Tecnologia Ltda. contra decisão que reconheceu o vínculo de emprego de uma motorista …
The Public Labor Ministry of Brazil filed four complaints on Monday against the Uber, Rappi, 99 and Lalamove platforms so that the Justice forces them to recognize all drivers who …
One of the world’s top cocoa processors has told a Brazilian court investigating child and slave labor it cannot trace its supplies, contradicting its own public statements and raising fears …
A definitive settlement with miner Samarco and owners, BHP Group (BHP.AX) and Vale SA (VALE3.SA), for the damage caused by a burst tailings dam in 2015 could reach 100 billion reais ($19.06 billion), …
BRASILIA (Reuters) – A regional labor judge has ordered Brazilian miner Vale SA to pay 1 million reais ($197,240) in compensation to each of the families of 131 employees killed …
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) accepted a complaint from union entities about the agglomerations of workers and the violations of rights during the pandemic in the operations of Brazilian …
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) accepted a complaint from union entities about the agglomerations of workers and the violations of rights during the pandemic in the operations of …
A large Brazilian tobacco exporter has been charged with using slave labor in the country’s first government action against a tobacco company for conditions on a farm, labor inspectors said …
Brazil’s labour justice system is battling with growing rights violations
“It was chaos,” says Nilzete, a nurse at Souza Aguiar Hospital in Rio de Janeiro. Twenty-three years of experience had not prepared her for this. “The situation was already tough …