Brazil Case Law: TRT-RO-0001662-91.2012.5.02.0003

The Regional Labor Court of São Paulo (TRT-2) confirmed the decision that held the Spanish fashion retailer Zara accountable for workers’ rights violations in its supply chain. The Brazilian government …

Brazil Case Law: TST-AIRR-2136-56.2014.5.03.0038

This case shows how the Higher Labor Court in Brazil is deciding claims against the difference of wage between women and men. There are four requirements for wage matching (Labor …

Interpretations of Brazilian labor reform by labor magistrates

In 2017, when the labor reform was approved in Brazil, the National Association of Labor Justice Magistrates (ANAMATRA) approved a document containing 125 summaries about the interpretation and application of …

Interpretations of Brazilian labor reform by labor magistrates

In 2017, when the labor reform was approved in Brazil, the National Association of Labor Justice Magistrates (ANAMATRA) approved a document containing 125 summaries about the interpretation and application of …

Brazil Case Law: TRT-RO-0000108-81.2012.5.02.0081

This case is an example of how some of the lower courts are now deciding cases of violations in supply chains. The Regional Labor Court of São Paulo (TRT-2) confirmed, …

Brazil judicial decision: supply chain violations accountability – Case number: TRT-RO-0000108-81.2012.5.02.0081

This case, TRT-RO-0000108-81.2012.5.02.0081, is an example of how some of the lower courts are now deciding cases of violations in supply chains. The Regional Labor Court of São Paulo (TRT-2) …

Brazil Case Law: TST-ED-E-ED-RR-1144-53.2013.5.06.0004

The Brazilian Higher Labor Court (TST) unanimously decided that the outsourcing law enacted in March 2017 only applies to employment contracts started and finished after the statute came into force. …

Judical Opinion of Brazil “outsourcing law” – Case number: TST-ED-E-ED-RR-1144-53.2013.5.06.0004

The Brazilian Higher Labor Court (TST) unanimously decided in Case number: TST-ED-E-ED-RR-1144-53.2013.5.06.0004 that the outsourcing law enacted in March 2017 only applies to employment contracts started and finished after the …

“The labor market consequences of maternity leave policies: evidence from Brazil”

This article examines the labor market consequences of paid maternity leave for women who participate in the Brazilian formal labor market (and thus qualify for the leave policy). Based on …

Academic thesis: “The analog to slave labor and social dumping in the fashion industry: an analysis in the light of developments in the State of São Paulo”

In Portuguese, “O trabalho análogo ao de escravo e o dumping social na indústria da moda: uma análise à luz dos acontecimentos no Estado de São Paulo”. This dissertations scope …