Is back-to-work legislation unconstitutional?

Bill C-89 recently passed third reading in the Senate, its final hurdle before becoming law. The bill ended the rotating strikes that the Canadian Union of Postal Workers had engaged in …

Senate passes back-to-work legislation, putting end to rotating Canada Post strikes

Mail service will resume all across the country at noon Tuesday after the Senate passed legislation ordering an end to five weeks of rotating strikes by postal workers. Royal assent …


The Dutch Supreme Court confirmed that Hungarian truck drivers may fall under the EU’s Posting of Workers Directive if they are brought to the Netherlands to carry out international transport …

Communication Workers Union Of Kenya v Telkom Kenya Limited

This case is about discrimination about trade union members. The company rejected to give the bonus to the trade union’s members. The court thought although the discrimination circumstances under the …

Banking Insurance & Finance Union (Kenya) v Waumini Sacco Society Limited

This case discussed the threshold to recognize a trade union. Section 54(1) of the Labour Relations Act provides that the threshold is the simple majority of unionisable employees. In this …

Top Kentucky court upholds state’s ‘right-to-work’ law

The Kentucky Supreme Court has upheld the state’s so-called “right-to-work” law, which makes it illegal to require workers to join unions and bars the collection of fees from private-sector workers …

UK: “Fulfilling the ‘British way’: beyond constrained choice — Amazon workers’ lived experiences of workfare”

This article offers an empirical study of the “British way” lauded by the Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices (TRMWP). In particular, it exposes the work experiences of low paid …

UK: “Fulfilling the ‘British way’: beyond constrained choice — Amazon workers’ lived experiences of workfare

This article offers an empirical study of the “British way” lauded by the Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices (TRMWP). In particular, it exposes the work experiences of low paid …

Sindicatos y trabajadores del agro piden ser tenidos en cuenta en proyecto de ley para la “dignificación del trabajo rural”

En la audiencia pública programada en el Senado para este miércoles 7 de noviembre, las y los trabajadores agropecuarios de organizaciones sindicales o asociaciones campesinas podrán plantear sus inquietudes en …

Droit à la syndicalisation et la négociation collective – 25 000 femmes soulignent les 10 ans d’un jugement sans précédent de la Cour supérieure

MONTRÉAL, le 30 oct. 2018 /CNW Telbec/ – Le 31 octobre marque le 10e anniversaire d’un jugement notable rendu par la juge Danielle Grenier de la Cour supérieure en 2008, qui a permis à plus de …